
Showing posts with the label Neural Network

What is a Neural Network? Complete Information.

What is a Neural Network? Complete Information. Earth man is said to be the fastest and most sensible organism. Today, in this computer science era, we want to make the computer or any machine as much better as possible, even today, we have become capable that today our computer also gives commands automatically and its corresponding work Also does it himself. Neural network is also a type of information processing. It functions just like a human's brain, just as a human's brain processes information, this network also works. Definition of neural network Neural networks are interconnected / interrelated neurons. And the Artificial Neural Network is a computerized tool built on top of the neural network itself. Simply put, it is composed of a large number of interconnected neurons working in unison to solve specific problems. We also call artificial neural network as neural nets. Parallel distributed processing system, connectionist system is also a parallel term. Start of neura