
Showing posts with the label game

How to check FPS of game on Android phone? There are two ways

How to check FPS of game on Android phone? There are two ways Whether you're an occasional gamer or a competitor, it's good to know your device's maximum capabilities. The easiest way to ensure that you are getting a smooth gaming experience is to keep an eye on the FPS count. There are many ways to track frame rate on a PC, but when it comes to your phone or tablet, the options are limited. What is FPS counter? The term FPS has many meanings, but it can be understood more specifically as 'frames per second' for how maximally or smoothly your game is running. FPS Counter is a simple tool that shows the number of frames your device receives every second. This kind of accounting is immediate and it helps to find problems or feel comfortable whether it is in accordance with the prescribed level. As a general formula, the more frames per second you get, the better your gaming experience is. Activating this feature is easy and easy to access through the FPS counter app a

Write a simple chess game in python code.

Write a simple chess game in python code. To create a simple chess game in Python, you can follow these steps: Define a class for the chess board. This class should have a method to initialize the board and a method to display the board. Define a class for the chess pieces. This class should have attributes to store the position and color of each piece, as well as methods to move the pieces and check if a move is valid. Create a function to handle player input. This function should prompt the player for a move and validate the input to make sure it is in the correct format and that the move is legal. Create a main game loop that alternates between player turns and checks for the end of the game. The game should end when one player captures the opponent's king or when there is a draw. Here is an example of how this code might look: class ChessBoard:   def __init__(self):     # Initialize the board     self.board = [['R', 'N', 'B', 'Q', 'K', &#

Pokémon Go game tips and tricks

Pokémon Go game tips and tricks Pokemon Go is a smartphone game. This game has created panic in the world as soon as it comes. Pokémon Go is a huge thing in the gaming world. This game has become a favorite of people in just 8 days. This game is available on Android and iOS, so far it has been launched in Australia, America, New Zealand, and Europe. This smart app has been used the most so far before it happened when Candy Crush Saga came out. Pokemon is a very old and famous cartoon on which the game was first made. Pokemon Go is going to release soon in India.