
Showing posts with the label company

A technology company that gives money to employees for sleeping!

 A technology company that gives money to employees for sleeping! Does a company pay you to sleep? Perhaps you have only heard such stories, because this kind of job or opportunity hardly exists in reality. But where is it impossible? There is a company that is paying its employees to sleep. Whoop company is very popular in the world of fitness trackers. This company was in the limelight some time ago because of its health tracking bands. Recently, the CEO of the company Will Ahmed revealed some facts. In an interview given to a media, he stated that his company is working on the objective of unlocking human performance. This company, which was established in 2012, managed to collect a fund of 200 million dollars in 2021. 500 employees are working in the company. Ahmed says - Our belief is that when you come to the office and work, you will always achieve better performance. We have seen how a positive atmosphere is created when people meet each other, i.e. work together. He says that

An American company made a machine that extracts water from moving air

 An American company made a machine that extracts water from moving air The Consumer Electronics Show, one of the world's largest technology fairs held in Las Vegas, USA, in 2024, more than 4,000 companies from around the world are presenting new technologies, products and prototypes. The first two days of this exhibition, which ran from January 9 to 12, were dominated by television and electric vehicles. From transparent television to electric vehicle models with new technology were announced at the exhibition. Apart from that, various other interesting technologies have been presented in the show, of which three technologies are: A device for making water from air The American company Genesis System presented the Water Cube at the exhibition on Tuesday. This device, which looks like a large microwave oven, makes water from air. According to the company's claim, this device will prove to be very important in solving the water crisis in remote areas of the earth. This machine i

Sitting near the phone or TV, the company can secretly listen to your gossip!

 Sitting near the phone or TV, the company can secretly listen to your gossip! When is your own phone dangerous for you? Overuse or phone becomes a medium to listen to your conversation? Recently, a company called Cox Media Group (CMG) has claimed that it can listen to user conversations through smartphones, smart TVs or other devices. The company claims to have developed a technology capable of displaying advertisements based on user conversations. According to media organization 404 Media, CMG has named it as active listening technique. The company also posted a blog on its website and gave brief information about the capabilities and uses of this technology. Now the blog post has been deleted by the company. (Click here to read the blog archive written by the company.) The blog post mentions that this technology uses microphone data from smartphones and other devices for advertising. In other words, the company claims that it can listen to the pre-purchase conversation of the user t

Elon Musk, who is opposed to AI, finally opened his own AI company 'XAI'

Elon Musk, who is opposed to AI, finally opened his own AI company 'XAI' Tesla owner Elon Musk has announced his new artificial intelligence (AI) company. Recently, with the increasing discussion of AI, the 'XAI' startup, which is supposed to be launched by Musk, was made public on Wednesday. According to the BBC, Musk's new company XAI has engineers who have worked at OpenAI and Google. Earlier, Musk had suspended his project saying that AI development work should be stopped, an impartial body should be established and AI work should be regulated. Now Musk says that XAI has been introduced with the aim of explaining the reality of every basic issue. What this artificial intelligence company focuses on, how much has been invested, and what are its main objectives have not come out clearly. In a tweet from XAI's Twitter handle, it is mentioned that the company's main goal is to explain the nature of the universe. It is said that the company will announce more

A 14-year-old freshman engineer at Elon Musk's company SpaceX

A 14-year-old freshman engineer at Elon Musk's company SpaceX A 14-year-old software engineer has joined Elon Musk's company SpaceX. Karen Quazi from San Francisco, USA, got the opportunity to join SpaceX after passing the company's 'Technically Challenging' and 'Fun' interviews. Along with this, Kwazi became the youngest person to join SpaceX. According to the Los Angeles Times, Kwazi was enrolled at Santa Clara University to study computer science and engineering at the age of 11. He is getting his degree in this subject this June. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Quazi said that his skills would help the SpaceX project to send humans to Mars. "I'm joining the Starlink engineering team as a software engineer," Quazi wrote on LinkedIn. In addition, Kwaji says that the company looks at his skills rather than his age to join the company. Kwazi is moving with his mother from Flesland, California to Redmond, Washington to work on SpaceX

This is how marketing your company or product on social media

 This is how marketing your company or product on social media Marketing your company or product on social media can be a highly effective way to reach a large and engaged audience. To successfully market your company or product on social media, there are several key steps you should follow:

It will take another 6 months to operate hydrogen transport, Korean company is willing to build a 'refill station' | What kind of revolution will the electric air taxi bring to the air service industry in the next decade?

It will take another 6 months to operate hydrogen transport, Korean company is willing to build a 'refill station' The plan to drive cars with hydrogen, put forward by Kathmandu University, has moved to 6 months.

'Supply Chain Attack' on 35 Big Companies including Microsoft, Apple, PayPal

'Supply Chain Attack' on 35 Big Companies including Microsoft, Apple, PayPal An ethical hacker (researcher) has recently demonstrated a novel supply chain attack. Accordingly, the systems of more than 35 big technology companies like Microsoft, Apple, PayPal, Sophie, Netflix, Tesla, Uber have been breached. Novell Supply Chain Attack exploits public and open-source developer tools. The system, developed by ethical hacker and cybersecurity researcher Alex Birsan, injects malicious code into an open-source developer tool to exploit the dependencies of those organizations' internal applications. It could target developers' projects using public depositories such as GitHub. According to Birsan, the success rate of such attacks is high after the companies have been targeted. The vulnerabilities he has exploited so far, which he calls 'Dependency Confusion', have been found in more than 35 organizations. These were in Python, Ruby, and Java programming languages.

90 companies including Huawei and Xiaomi are building their own semiconductor in China

90 companies including Huawei and Xiaomi are building their own semiconductor in China Ninety companies including Chinese companies Huawei, High Silicon, and Xiaomi are planning to build their own semiconductor in China. According to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 90 companies have applied for the National Integrated Circuit Standardization Technology Committee. The semiconductor industry is the most backward industry in China. Where small and technology lagging companies are now investing. Therefore, 90 companies including Huawei, Xiaomi, High Silicon, Datang Semiconductor, Unichip Micro Electronics, ZTE, China Unicom, China Mobile, and Tencent are ready to work together. The purpose of forming this committee is to uplift the backward semiconductor industry and promote the integrated recognition of circuits. It is said that the plan has been put forward with the plan to reduce the dilemma of the American company in the same conductor. The United States ha

Facebook has launched a dating app in 50 countries

Facebook has launched a dating app in 50 countries  Facebook has brought its own dating app. The company has unveiled its new dating app in Europe. Facebook's new app will compete with apps like Tinder, OkCupid, and Happen. According to The Verge, the Facebook dating app has been made public in about 50 countries in Europe. The company wanted to make the dating app public on February 14 this year, Valentine's Day. But the launch of the app has been delayed due to the Coronavirus epidemic. The Facebook dating app had already been made public in the US. What's in it According to the information received, matching is done according to the user's interest in the Facebook dating app. Facebook's Active and Interests and Dislikes will be used to suggest appropriate matches to users. Facebook's dating app will only be available in the mobile version. Users will also be able to use their Instagram and Facebook photos on their profile or timeline. Users will also be able

The anti-trust lawsuit against Google alleging conspiracy to monopolize search engines

The anti-trust lawsuit against Google alleging conspiracy to monopolize search engines The U.S. Department of Justice and 11 states have filed antitrust lawsuits against Google. Google, the world's most used search engine, has been accused of deliberately ending competition. The company is said to have illegally entered into a special deal with a smartphone maker to create its own monopoly. This is the biggest issue facing a technology company in two decades. Earlier, in 1998, a similar case was filed by Microsoft. However, this allegation against Google is not new. There are reports that the United States, Australia, Japan, and even Europe are preparing to challenge the monopoly of big technology companies. This is the accusation against Google The 54-page lawsuit against Google alleges that Google made a special deal to capture more than 90 percent of the search engine business. The Google search engine is the default search engine on such devices. Google paid billions of dollars

Google will tell you how busy your destination is.

Google will tell you how busy your destination is.  Users will soon be able to find information about busy places on Google Maps. From this, you can find out how busy a certain place is. According to the company, this feature will soon be available for Android, iOS, and desktop users around the world. Next month, users will be able to use the Live View feature. This is a feature that will help you find your way around the city using augmented reality (AR). From this, information on restaurants, stores, businesses, etc. can also be obtained. Google will bring new changes to the map through the Search of 2020 event. Business features will also be available on the map. Through which users will be able to share information about their engagement. With the help of this feature, users will be able to express how busy they are from anywhere. The company had earlier made it public in 2016. Google said it was working to expand live engagement information around the world. Its expansion will inc

Microsoft brings family safety app

Microsoft brings family safety app Microsoft, a leading company in the field of technology, has brought a family protection app. The new app will help provide family members with electrical and physical security, officials said. The app is said to help electronic content users control the screen of electronic content, as well as protect children's health from the screen. The app can be used on iOS and Android, company officials said via the social network Twitter. Arrangements have also been made in this app to control what kind of websites children are allowed to view and what kind of websites they are not allowed to view. Users of the new app will benefit from making electronic content child-friendly, minimizing harm, benefiting health, and improving habits, the company said.

Jack Ma turned China's Money Supermarket into a 200 billion company

Jack Ma turned China's Money Supermarket into a  200 billion company Sixteen years ago, Jack Mae introduced a small payment service to strengthen his online shopping empire. Only a few expected it to succeed. Now this service has become the backbone of Ant Group. The payment system is now the 200 billion property of Ant Group. Jack Ma, the founder, believes that small things are beautiful and powerful, so the group is named Ant. Ant Group is a small business entity in China. Ant Group is currently preparing to issue its public shares in Hong Kong and Shanghai. With this IPO issuance, Jack Ma will issue the second-largest IPO ever. "Ant Group is a goldmine for Jack Ma and for China's Internet industry," said Edith Young, general partner at Race Capital. Ant Group is one of the world's largest technology companies and China's largest online payment platform. The app is present in all aspects of China's financial life. It has a presence in everything from inv

Easy to bring money for software export to Nepal

Easy to bring money for software export to Nepal Nepal Rastra Bank has made it easier for companies and institutions in Nepal to bring home foreign currency due to their efficiency and expertise. The central bank has made arrangements for the remittance of foreign currency to Nepal from abroad by making it easy to repatriate online and e-commerce transactions. With this arrangement, it will be easier for those who bring money from abroad to stay in Nepal and make software. Earlier, when there was no such arrangement, companies working on software in Nepal used to bring money by showing various purposes and resources. Since most of the companies in Nepal have foreign partner organizations, they used to bring only the required amount here knowing that the work done here would be paid by the company abroad. Despite the recent increase in activities in the field of information technology in Nepal, businessmen have been saying that they have been hit hard by treating goods like exports to b

Mobile device management system ready, delay in connection due to corona

Mobile device management system ready, delay in connection due to corona In order to make the import, sale, distribution, and use of mobile sets systematic and effective, the software of the mobile device management system to be brought into operation by the Nepal Telecommunication Authority has been prepared. Although the software was ready for the system, which is being constructed at a cost of Rs. NEA spokesperson Min Prasad Aryal said that technicians had to come from Malaysia for additional equipment and its connection but could not come due to the coronavirus. The contract was awarded to a Malaysian company. After the operation of this system, which is accessible to the Customs Department, Nepal Police, and NEA, those who import mobile sets into Nepal should register at the beginning. After putting the IME number there, it is found out whether it is genuine or not according to the database taken by NEA from GSMA. NEA will allow import only after the genuine is set. The NEA is con

Top 10 Facts About Google

Top 10 Facts About Google The search engine Google is now your friend. Without it, we have even stopped imagining you. The situation has reached such a point that when Guru is remembered on Guru Purnima, many happy messages can be seen on social media even in the name of Google Guru. Two founders were new friends Google founders Sergei Brin and Larry Page were not old friends. Coincidentally, they had met. Larry Page, 22, came to Stanford University with a degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. Segre Brin had already enrolled there for a Ph.D. Segre Brin was given the responsibility of showing the campus. This is a reference to the year 1995. The two became friends and came up with the idea of ​​Google. Google was created after the name change Initially, Google was named Backerb. The two joined hands for the concept of web browser Backerb. They were working on Stanford's servers, which were consuming a lot of bandwidth. Why the name? On September 15, 1997,