
Showing posts with the label jobs

What is Mouse Ziglar? Because of this, many workers lost their jobs

 What is Mouse Ziglar? Because of this, many workers lost their jobs Four years ago, during the Corona epidemic, the practice of doing office work from home, i.e. 'work from home', started. Which is still running in various companies. Most of the companies in the world have stopped the 'work from home' facility. However, some companies are still providing this facility. It is easy for people to work from home, but some people take wrong advantage of it. It was also revealed that some employees who have the facility to work from home are fooling their office i.e. the company by using mouse giggler technology. Several employees were also dismissed from their jobs after the disclosure. After all, what is Mouse Ziggler? How did it take away the jobs of the thieves? According to a Bloomberg report, a company called Wells Fargo has laid off about a dozen companies. According to the company, all those employees used Mouse Ziglar software. Mouse Ziggler is also known as Mouse M

4,000 unemployed in one month due to AI in the US, including journalists if they lose their jobs

 4,000 unemployed in one month due to AI in the US, including journalists if they lose their jobs Due to artificial intelligence (AI) in America, 4 thousand people have become unemployed within a month. According to a study, different companies in the US have dismissed 4,000 people in various positions in this month of May alone.

ChatGPT is being misused in these 6 jobs

ChatGPT is being misused in these 6 jobs ChatGPT has started causing problems. Less than two months after its release, this tool of OpenAI has started to be misused. This tool, which has the ability to answer various questions in a human style, has caused problems.

After Corona, these 'hot tech' jobs, the demand for which is increasing

After Corona, these 'hot tech' jobs, the demand for which is increasing  The coronavirus weakened most areas. I lost my job. But technology alone has become an area that has remained neutral even in the midst of an epidemic. As a result, companies of all kinds prioritize their tech strategies. Meanwhile, the global environment is undergoing a digital transformation. Covid-19 has added even more speed to its speed. In a short time, a significant number of active employees around the world shifted to remote working. The necessary technology infrastructure was developed and used overnight. As a result, many avenues are open to employment in the technology sector today. Today we will tell you about 'Hot Tech' jobs for 2021. Cybersecurity One of the top priorities of business leaders right now is cybersecurity. Remote and hybrid work causes a variety of security problems. That's why employers are now looking for security engineers and security architects for their compan