Here's how to protect your WordPress site from hackers

Here's how to protect your WordPress site from hackers WordPress is a site that is constantly targeted by hackers. WordPress files, plugins, and login pages are being targeted by hackers. Today we present to you Search Engine Journal's tips on how to protect your WordPress site from being hacked and how to help you recover from it as soon as possible. To do this, you must first understand how hackers attack WordPress. Most sites on the web are always at risk of hackers. Whether it's a PHP BB forum or a WordPress site. All sites are being monitored by hackers. It is not uncommon for hackers to scan thousands of pages and try to log in hundreds of times a day. On top of that, a hacker doesn't do that. Many hackers are hacking into your site at once. Hackers infiltrate the web using automated software and search for vulnerabilities. The activity is named Butson. Software that tries to copy such content is called scraper boots, which is different from hacker bots. Protect y...