
Showing posts with the label energy

How beneficial, how dangerous is nuclear energy?

How beneficial, how dangerous is nuclear energy? The United Nations Conference on Climate Change is taking place in the United Kingdom in November, with representatives from more than 200 countries. The conference will discuss how to rapidly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Despite many efforts, many countries have not been able to cut the production of harmful gases responsible for climate change. Can nuclear energy be helpful for such countries? At present, 10 percent of the world's electricity is generated by nuclear reactors. However, the world has become more aware of nuclear energy since the accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan a decade ago. Atomic energy, once considered an alternative to reducing carbon emissions, has changed the perception of all environmentalists. The question now is what is the future of nuclear energy? Should we build more and more nuclear power plants to combat climate change? Isn't it dangerous to do so somewhere? Disillusioned

What is spectrum or frequency? This is easy to understand

What is spectrum or frequency? This is easy to understand Although the term spectrum sounds unfamiliar to many and is very technical, most people are exposed to it every day. It has become a very important part of our daily lives. Of course, the question arises, what is the frequency? And how does it affect the lives of ordinary people? Frequency is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is also called an electro magnetizing field. Whether it is remote, micro web, mobile, or radio, we are coming in contact with it every day through some means. Frequency or spectrum is the amount of radiation energy that surrounds the earth. The sun is the main source of electromagnetic radiation. It also receives energy from stars and galaxies. Apart from this, such energy is also generated from the radioactive elements that are buried under the ground. Some of the frequencies we call spectrum or radiation are very useful. Which does us no harm. Through which we can listen to the radio. W