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The anti-trust lawsuit against Google alleging conspiracy to monopolize search engines

The anti-trust lawsuit against Google alleging conspiracy to monopolize search engines The U.S. Department of Justice and 11 states have filed antitrust lawsuits against Google. Google, the world's most used search engine, has been accused of deliberately ending competition. The company is said to have illegally entered into a special deal with a smartphone maker to create its own monopoly. This is the biggest issue facing a technology company in two decades. Earlier, in 1998, a similar case was filed by Microsoft. However, this allegation against Google is not new. There are reports that the United States, Australia, Japan, and even Europe are preparing to challenge the monopoly of big technology companies. This is the accusation against Google The 54-page lawsuit against Google alleges that Google made a special deal to capture more than 90 percent of the search engine business. The Google search engine is the default search engine on such devices. Google paid billions of dollars