What is Snapchat, its features, and how to download it
What is Snapchat, its features, and how to download it The use of the Internet has created many mediums for connecting with people. In the meantime, when the era of email came and when it went, no one knew. Many such mediums have come to the people, with the help of which he can connect with all those people, whom he has not met for a long time. Various types of social sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, Hike, Instagram, etc. have made their important place among the people. Snapchat is also one of these. This is also a social site application that can be run on the internet. Users can capture photos, videos, etc. with its help. Apart from this, you can snap your 'story' in it, this application transmits all the stories accumulated in 24 hours to your Snapchat followers. Also, with the use of this app, the user can share his and his favorite videos, photos, etc. with his friends. Snap Chat uses Wi-Fi for all these tasks. It is visible to friends as a snap for 10 seconds and then dis