We laughed when Stephen Hawking said, and now we are shocked!

We laughed when Stephen Hawking said, and now we are shocked! Researchers at Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory (FAIR) have been shocked to find that chatboxes that exit the script interact with a new language created without any human input. Facebook's artificial intelligence machine shut down as soon as the lab's developers discovered that Facebook's AI (Artificial Intelligence) had created its own unique language that humans could not understand. It is time for us to realize how surprising it is and how dangerous it is. We ignored this when Stephen Hawking said, and now we realize that artificial intelligence has caused us a little trembling and confusion. Stephen William Hawking, one of the world's most important theoretical physicists in the field of cosmology and quantum gravity, believes that certain three things have the power to destroy the human race. Stephen Hawking, who specializes in the study of black holes and gravitational singula...