
Showing posts with the label Git

Here's how to easily understand 'Git' open source and its function

Here's how to easily understand 'Git' open source and its function Today, every company uses git. Git is open-source software. It's available for free. But many may not know what a git is. Today we are going to give you simple information about Git. To understand Git first, you need to understand a common problem that appears in software companies. If five developers work in a software company, they may face various problems. After all the developers have done their work, the first problem is how to merge the code of all of them. Besides, if a developer's code is lost or one person mistakenly deletes the code, there is a problem of losing the code. In that case, there is a problem of how to recover the lost or deleted code. Sometimes using the old code, a new developer can come and work on the new code. But if the code is bad and the old code is needed, how to bring the code in all those cases? Git has arisen because a solution is necessary for this. What is git Any