What is a throwaway email address, and why do you need it?
What is a throwaway email address, and why do you need it? A throwaway email account may be appropriate for you to log into an insecure website or to address privacy concerns. Because this type of email not only protects you from spam emails but also helps in data security. It is known by many names including temporary email, .trash email, one time email, anonymous email, zombie email, use and throw email. But the job of all of them is to survive for some time. When their time runs out, they automatically deactivate. What is a throwaway email? When you want to create an account on any website, most of them ask you for an email address. Whether it is necessary to use the site or for other work. Then those sites start sending you daily or weekly spam emails, which contain their news, sales offers, notifications and various other content. Which may not be important for you. Not only this, such websites may also sell your email address to other ad companies. It can also leak you...