
Showing posts with the label or

Are your eyes, shoulders or head hurting from spending too much time on your phone or PC screen? These are the solutions

 Are your eyes, shoulders or head hurting from spending too much time on your phone or PC screen? These are the solutions Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone. On top of that, gadgets cannot be completely ignored due to purposes such as office work, email, social media, internet, online payment from home. As easy as it is to get used to it, it is equally difficult to get rid of it. Phone, tab, laptop and computer screen addiction can be expensive. How to keep your eyes, shoulders and mind focused? Let's talk about the eyes first. Too much screen time i.e. the habit of spending too much time on the screen can damage the eyes. Excessive use of digital devices is causing many young people to wear glasses. Too much screen time can increase the risk of myopia in young people. People with myopia may have difficulty seeing distant objects and this is becoming a common problem in children. According to the American Academy of Optometry, looking at a digital device for a long time can be u

Sitting near the phone or TV, the company can secretly listen to your gossip!

 Sitting near the phone or TV, the company can secretly listen to your gossip! When is your own phone dangerous for you? Overuse or phone becomes a medium to listen to your conversation? Recently, a company called Cox Media Group (CMG) has claimed that it can listen to user conversations through smartphones, smart TVs or other devices. The company claims to have developed a technology capable of displaying advertisements based on user conversations. According to media organization 404 Media, CMG has named it as active listening technique. The company also posted a blog on its website and gave brief information about the capabilities and uses of this technology. Now the blog post has been deleted by the company. (Click here to read the blog archive written by the company.) The blog post mentions that this technology uses microphone data from smartphones and other devices for advertising. In other words, the company claims that it can listen to the pre-purchase conversation of the user t

Is the iPhone 15 you are going to buy real or fake? Find out like this

 Is the iPhone 15 you are going to buy real or fake? Find out like this   When a new model of iPhone comes to the market, the number of fake variants also increases. Most of the users are buying fake iPhones even after paying a good price because they cannot distinguish whether it is original or not. So that the user does not have to face the same problem, Apple has included a secret way to distinguish whether the phone is official or not in the iPhone 15. Apple has put an invisible watermarking system on the box for this. In X, Licker, whose name is Majin Bu, posted a video showing how the system works. First of all in the video the QR code is not visible anywhere on the box. But later, if the Ultra Violet (UV) light is turned on, the QR code appears on two parts of the box. With the help of the same QR code, users can distinguish whether the device is official or not. But there is also a risk that the scammer can create another similar watermark. But the QR code in it is considered m

Now an alert will appear if your address, phone number or email is found in Google search

Now an alert will appear if your address, phone number or email is found in Google search Users can now easily find and remove their personal information in Google search. If the company finds a user's email address, phone number or email on the web, it has introduced the facility of sending a request to review and remove it from the search results. All this will be on Google's 'Results About You' dashboard on mobile and web. With the update, you will be able to find your notifications on Google without having to search about yourself. Once you have entered your personal information, the dashboard will bring up the websites that have publicly disclosed your personal information and allow you to review each web page where it appears, and even submit a request to remove it. Previously, you had to manually find your personal information that appeared in Google Search and manually submit a request to remove it. In that case, it is a matter of great improvement. If you are c

ChatGPT has a mobile app or not?

ChatGPT has a mobile app or not? ChatGPT prepared by OpenAI has the ability to answer various complex questions in human style.

What are Bitwise Operators (And, OR, XOR) in Python | Explained

What are Bitwise Operators (And, OR, XOR) in Python | Explained  Bitwise operators are a set of operators that perform bit-level operations on integers. These operators are primarily used to perform bit manipulation on binary data.

This is how marketing your company or product on social media

 This is how marketing your company or product on social media Marketing your company or product on social media can be a highly effective way to reach a large and engaged audience. To successfully market your company or product on social media, there are several key steps you should follow:

How does 'HDR' technology makes photos or videos look great?

How does 'HDR' technology makes photos or videos look great?  Whether you are editing a photo or video or watching a TV ad, you may have heard a word called 'HDR' a lot. HDR is a short form of the English word 'High Dynamic Range' (High Dynamic Range).

Have you let someone else use your WiFi or Internet without naming it?

Have you let someone else use your WiFi or Internet without naming it? Currently, the number of users using Wi-Fi is more than mobile data. As Wi-Fi is cheaper than mobile data, many people use Wi-Fi more for business and personal purposes.