
Showing posts with the label Models

Large Language Models (LLM)

 Large Language Models (LLM) Large language models are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. They are called "large" because they are typically trained on massive amounts of data, which allows them to learn the patterns and nuances of human language. This enables them to generate text that is highly realistic and human-like in its style and content.

Deploying scikit - learn Models at Scale

Deploying bicycle-learning models on the scale Psychic-Learning is great for putting together a quick model for testing your dataset. But what if you want to run it against incoming live data? Find out how to serve your bicycle-learning model in an auto-scaling, server-free environment! Suppose you have a zoo ... Suppose you have a sample that you received training using a skit-learning model, and now you want to set up a forecast server. Let's see how to do this based on our code. We were in the previous section about animals at the zoo. To export the model, we will use the joblib library from sklearn.externals. import sklearn.externals from Joblib Joblib.Dump (CLF, 'Model.joblib') We can use joblib. dump () to export the model to the file. We will call our Model.joblib. Once we have committed and run this kernel, we will be able to recover the output from the kernel. Model.joblib - Ready for download With our trained Psych-Learn model on hand, we are ready to load the mod