The Real-World Benefits of Machine Learning in Healthcare

The real-world benefits of machine learning in healthcare It is safe Medicine has many manual procedures. During the training, I hand wrote lab values, diagnoses, and other chart notes on paper. I always knew this was the place where technology could help improve my workflow and hopefully it also improves patient care. Since then, the progress of electronic medical records has been remarkable, but the information they provide is no better than replacing old paper charts. If technology is to improve care in the future, then the electronic information provided to doctors must be enhanced by the power of analytics and machine learning. Using these types of advanced analytics, we can provide better information to doctors on the point of patient care. With easy access to blood pressure and other important signals, I have seen my patients become regular and expectant. Imagine how much more useful it would be if I could read the last 500 blood pressure readings, laboratory test results, race,...