
Showing posts from 2024

Protect any of your PDF files with a password

 Protect any of your PDF files with a password  There was a time when thieves used to steal your money and jewellery, but now digital thieves are rampant. Which can steal your data instead of your expensive goods and reduce incidents like banking fraud and fraud. In the digital age, there are also incidents of PDF theft. That's why these days confidential documents and documents like banking are password protected when they are sent in digital format. Even so, it is easy to unlock the banking password. Because the name and date of birth are enough to open such files. In this way, you can lock your PDF document with your own secret password, which only you and the person you specify can open. How to put password in PDF? First you go to Adobe Acrobat. Then go to Tools and Protect Options. Now click on the Encrypt with Password option. After doing this, put the password you want. Now press OK button and confirm. And finally save the file. Online option Visit the Adobe Acrobat site. No

Millions of apps can be deleted from the Google Play Store at once, here's why

Millions of apps can be deleted from the Google Play Store at once, here's why Google is working towards making Android as safe and reliable as iOS. In recent months, we have seen many iPhone-like features coming to Android. Android 15 comes as a complete set of security and privacy features. One thing where Android lags behind the iPhone, however, is the inability to keep dangerous apps out of the Play Store. Although Google Play Protect keeps many users safe, the risks and challenges are increasing more and more. Meanwhile, Google has taken more serious steps to eliminate this problem. Android 15 is bringing a live threat detection feature, which will analyze apps that take sensitive permissions and interact with other apps and services through on-device AI and instantly identify malicious apps. Google is currently working on a new plan, under which a large number of Android apps will be said goodbye. Under which Google can remove tens of thousands of such apps from its platform,

AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini can leak your privacy, how to protect it?

 AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini can leak your privacy, how to protect it?  AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot are also answering some sensitive and serious questions. It seems that those tools are only talking to 'me'. However, from the point of view of privacy, those conversations are open. Because some experts say that even the conversations of ordinary citizens with chatbots will be used for the development of AI models. In simple terms, there is no privacy in the conversation with those AI tools. However, just because there is no privacy does not mean that the tool itself is not used. Today we are discussing some of the ways to protect privacy at AItool: Talk without opening an account This is a very common method. But it is also effective. This is because the tool does not collect enough of your personal information. Now most AI tools can be used without opening an account. You can run various other AI tools from LMSYS chatbot arena. However, there are some disadv

Are your eyes, shoulders or head hurting from spending too much time on your phone or PC screen? These are the solutions

 Are your eyes, shoulders or head hurting from spending too much time on your phone or PC screen? These are the solutions Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone. On top of that, gadgets cannot be completely ignored due to purposes such as office work, email, social media, internet, online payment from home. As easy as it is to get used to it, it is equally difficult to get rid of it. Phone, tab, laptop and computer screen addiction can be expensive. How to keep your eyes, shoulders and mind focused? Let's talk about the eyes first. Too much screen time i.e. the habit of spending too much time on the screen can damage the eyes. Excessive use of digital devices is causing many young people to wear glasses. Too much screen time can increase the risk of myopia in young people. People with myopia may have difficulty seeing distant objects and this is becoming a common problem in children. According to the American Academy of Optometry, looking at a digital device for a long time can be u

Is there enough electricity in the world for AI?

 Is there enough electricity in the world for AI? If you touch the back of your laptop, it may feel warm. From displaying emails to making spreadsheets and running various chips, the laptop has to do millions of calculations, which consumes energy. For this reason, when you work for a long time, the battery of the laptop gets discharged quickly. Now imagine the millions and millions of computers in the world, which are not spreadsheets, but are making algorithms for artificial intelligence, i.e. AI! With the help of the same AI, such medicines can also be made which can be used to treat all types of cancer. It can also help in preventing the rising temperature of the earth. Not only this, there are many tasks that humans do not want to do, all of them can be done through machines with the help of AI. However, developing AI requires huge amounts of energy to run millions of computers and the air conditioning needed to cool them. AI is changing the world AI Artificial Intelligence i.e. A

Are you stuck on Android and Google TV? Such is the difference

 Are you stuck on Android and Google TV? Such is the difference Some may think that Android and Google TV are the same. Since Android is under Google, it seems natural. But again both these TVs are made by Google. So are Android and Google TV the same? The answer is exactly no. Let's understand them like this, both these TVs have the same DNA. But the experience of both TVs is different. Android TV has become the go-to operating system for many smart TVs and streaming devices. Or Android TV is the basic software required for TV. Android TV is more popular than other popular options Nvidia Shield and Razer Forge TV. However, in September 2020, Google introduced Google TV. But Google TV is not a new system. This is just a new look of Android TV. You may think of it as the way Android phone manufacturers change the look of a phone. More simply, Google TV is the new version of Android TV. Because Google TV is based on Android TV. The difference is that Google TV offers a new and differ

Is Google's free 15 GB storage full? Do this

 Is Google's free 15 GB storage full? Do this At present, only 15 GB of free storage is available in Google account. Which may not be enough for people who are constantly working online. Almost every file can be stored in Google Drive, so it fills up quickly. In general terms, Google Storage is like a drawer in a house. After storing things, one day the drawer is full. In that case, either you have to buy a new drawer or you have to remove the items in the drawer. However, when you create a new Gmail account, you get 15 GB of free storage again. But some people pay for extra storage because the old mail contains important data. There is a Google One plan for this. But if you take some measures, you don't have to pay extra for storage. Today we will discuss some such measures: 1. Deleting large files Rather than deleting a lot of small files, you can free up storage quickly by deleting a few large files. For this you can take the following steps: Laptop/Desktop - Login to Google

A large cave was found on the moon, which could be a human home in the future!

 A large cave was found on the moon, which could be a human home in the future!  Scientists have discovered a large underground cave on the moon. The cave was discovered based on the radar data of NASA's lunar exploration satellite, Lunar Rokness Orbiter (LRO). This cave is located near the 'Mayor Tranquilitatis' where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed Apollo 11 55 years ago. According to scientists, this cave is 150 meters below the lunar surface and is 45 meters wide and 80 meters long. There is a possibility that this cave can be used for accommodation by astronauts going to the moon. Scientists have expressed hope that the cave can play an important role in protecting the moon from radiation, unstable temperature and adverse environment. There is also a possibility that there may be water ice in the cave, which can provide the necessary resources for the life of astronauts. Therefore, it has been analyzed that this cave can be the best option for living on the moon.

Keep in mind, tips to take care of when the phone gets wet with rain water

 Keep in mind, tips to take care of when the phone gets wet with rain water It is raining all over the country now. This is also the time for farming. While going out for some special work, the phone may fall into the water. Most of today's smartphones are water resistant. But that does not mean water proof. A small mistake can damage your phone. However, if you take some precautions, you can save the phone from malfunctioning. What to do if the phone falls into water? As soon as the phone falls into water, the first thing to do is try to remove it as quickly as possible. Then switch off the phone without turning it on. If your mobile has a cover or a removable battery, remove it. However, do not make the mistake of pressing any other buttons of the mobile phone randomly. Because doing so may cause a short circuit in the phone. What should be remembered is that you should not try to dry the phone submerged in water by bringing a hot object or drying it using a dryer. By doing this,

These are the suggestions given by Altman who created ChatGPT to manage companies and groups

 These are the suggestions given by Altman who created ChatGPT to manage companies and groups The most famous person in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Sam Altman. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT. He was expelled from the company without even being a board member and has returned to the role of CEO. As a start-up company made waves in the world, Altman was somehow in the role. He has given some suggestions about running a company and group management. which is: Finding balance when managing people Altman believes that people should be challenged to achieve more than they expect. But do not challenge them so much that they leave the company. Similarly, he believes that the structure of the company is not an obstacle to prevent the employees from working well. Do not meet more than necessary Altman wrote on his blog that he limits the time he spends in meetings or conferences. But he says that space should also be given

How does wireless charging technology work?

 How does wireless charging technology work?  Wireless charging means charging without connecting wires. It has changed the method of powering devices. Whether at home or in the car, you can charge various gadgets without cables. This feature is available in flagship phones and smartwatches that have recently come into the market. Today we are talking about how wireless charging works. How does wireless charging work? It's been more than a decade since wireless charging came into daily use. But since most of the gadgets in the market have provided this feature, wireless charging has started to be seen everywhere. With the help of this technology, it is enough to charge the device by placing it on the charging sand or pad. No need to search for a physical cable and connect it to the phone. Copper coil is used in this technique. A transmitting coil (a coil that can transmit electricity) is placed on the charging sand or pad, while a coil that can receive the charge is placed on the d

AI being used in online fraud, what is the way to avoid it?

 AI being used in online fraud, what is the way to avoid it? Whether you're drafting an email, creating a piece of art, or pretending to be a friend or relative to help people in trouble, AI is ready to help. AI is multifaceted! But here we are discussing how to avoid becoming a victim of online fraud with its help. In the last few years, AI technology has made significant leaps in creating everything from text, audio to images and videos. With that, it is possible to produce such media content cheaply and easily. The same type of tool can be used not only to help imagine imaginary monsters or spaceships, or to help non-Americans improve their English, but also to aid in malicious activities. However, fraud is a social problem that has been going on for years. But generative AI is making such scams easier, cheaper and more persuasive. It is not possible to prepare a complete list of where and how AI can be used in such fraud. But some measures that they can adopt can be known. 1. V

Sent Gmail is not going? Do this

 Sent Gmail is not going? Do this  Gmail is a good option for formal communication. If you have to communicate with multiple agencies, you should use Gmail. However, even if a wrong email address is given in Gmail, the mail will go through. After a while, a message with a wrong address will be sent. This is a small problem. Mails sent to Gmail may not go through for other reasons. like; When the internet is slow, when there is a problem with the Gmail app, etc. Today we will discuss how to fix mails sent through Gmail not going through: Desktop and mobile This section discusses some workarounds for both desktop and mobile: - Check internet connection Internet may be the main reason for not sending mail. In some cases, even if the internet signal is visible on the device, it is not working. You just need to open the browser to know if the internet is up/down. If there is a problem with the internet, you have to wait to send the mail. - Check if Gmail is down/not If there is no problem w

How to view files on your computer without opening them

 How to view files on your computer without opening them When there are many files on the computer, sometimes we may have problems. Especially if the file name is not correctly named, we will be sorry. You may have to open many other files until you find the file you are looking for. In this case, the file preview tool is very useful. This feature can be found in popular worldwide operating systems like Windows, Mac. Using this feature, you can see what is inside a file without opening it. This feature is very useful when working on multiple documents continuously. Today we are going to show you how to use File Preview feature on Windows and Mac: Windows This feature can be found in Windows versions like Windows 11, Windows 10. But by default this feature should not be turned on. For this follow the following procedure: - Go to File Explorer. Click on any file there. -Click on 'View' in the address bar above. Select 'Preview Pane' from the various options that appear th

Phone camera not working? Do this

 Phone camera not working? Do this In some cases, the phone's camera does not work. This problem happens especially in older phones. When opening the camera app, it appears black, the app doesn't open, the app doesn't focus even when it's open. There are various reasons why the camera does not work. like; When the phone has a corrupt system file, when a temporary bug is found, when the phone is physically damaged, the camera may not work. If you are having the same problem on your Android phone then you can follow the following steps:​ Restart the device Some bugs in Android are fixed by restarting the phone. This is a simple temporary way to solve the problem. Free up storage Even when the memory in the phone is full, the camera does not work. Because no more photos are saved in the storage. So you should keep enough storage in the phone. Updating software If a software update is available on the device, do it. Because various bugs have been solved in the new software