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Is there enough electricity in the world for AI?

 Is there enough electricity in the world for AI? If you touch the back of your laptop, it may feel warm. From displaying emails to making spreadsheets and running various chips, the laptop has to do millions of calculations, which consumes energy. For this reason, when you work for a long time, the battery of the laptop gets discharged quickly. Now imagine the millions and millions of computers in the world, which are not spreadsheets, but are making algorithms for artificial intelligence, i.e. AI! With the help of the same AI, such medicines can also be made which can be used to treat all types of cancer. It can also help in preventing the rising temperature of the earth. Not only this, there are many tasks that humans do not want to do, all of them can be done through machines with the help of AI. However, developing AI requires huge amounts of energy to run millions of computers and the air conditioning needed to cool them. AI is changing the world AI Artificial Intelligence i.e. A

How to check FPS of game on Android phone? There are two ways

How to check FPS of game on Android phone? There are two ways Whether you're an occasional gamer or a competitor, it's good to know your device's maximum capabilities. The easiest way to ensure that you are getting a smooth gaming experience is to keep an eye on the FPS count. There are many ways to track frame rate on a PC, but when it comes to your phone or tablet, the options are limited. What is FPS counter? The term FPS has many meanings, but it can be understood more specifically as 'frames per second' for how maximally or smoothly your game is running. FPS Counter is a simple tool that shows the number of frames your device receives every second. This kind of accounting is immediate and it helps to find problems or feel comfortable whether it is in accordance with the prescribed level. As a general formula, the more frames per second you get, the better your gaming experience is. Activating this feature is easy and easy to access through the FPS counter app a

Whose voice is there when using Google Maps?

Whose voice is there when using Google Maps? Smartphones play a big role in making our daily life easier. Especially Google's various services have made many of our jobs easier. Google Maps is one of the most used Google services. If you have to go to a new place, Google Maps works as a virtual guide.

If there is a nuclear war between Russia and America, 5 billion people in the world will die of starvation

If there is a nuclear war between Russia and America, 5 billion people in the world will die of starvation  A new study shows that if there is a nuclear war between the US and Russia, five billion people around the world, or 75 percent of the world's population, will die of famine and starvation. Due to the explosion of nuclear weapons, there will be terrible fires, excessive amounts of moisture will enter the atmosphere, and it will prevent sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth.