Trusting Truecaller can ruin your bank account in a moment, what to do to avoid it?
Trusting Truecaller can ruin your bank account in a moment, what to do to avoid it? Olympian and taekwondo coach Deepak Bisht received a call a few days ago. Truecaller showed that the call was from Krishi Bikash Bank. Beast picked up the phone believing the logo and name seen in the app. After picking up the phone, the person from that number introduced himself saying that he was calling from the IT department of Krishi Bikas Bank. He asked for the account number, pin, password and OTP of the beast saying that the account should be upgraded after he was convinced. Despite giving all other details, Beast did not give the OTP code. He knew that the bank never asks for the OTP code. Therefore, he hung up the phone immediately and called the main office of the bank and informed about this matter. Then the bank employee informed that the number does not belong to the bank. Since the OTP was not given, the money in Beast's bank was saved from being stolen. A ward member of Nagarjuna mu...