WhatsApp's downward journey continues, Telegram became the number one app of January With the issuance of new privacy terms and policies, the number of WhatsApp users has been declining. The company's new policy of sharing user data with Facebook has led users to look for alternatives to WhatsApp. Meanwhile, data analysis company Sensor Tower has released a new report. According to this, Telegram has risen to number one in the most downloaded app (non-gaming) in January. According to a report released by Censor Tower in December 2020, Telegram was ranked ninth on the list. However, in a period of one month, Telegram has become the first to surpass all. WhatsApp, which was previously in third place, has dropped two places to fifth. The ticket, which was number one till last month, is number two in January. Similarly, the signal is in third place. Instagram, which was previously in the fourth position, has reached the sixth position this time. According to the study report, Teleg...