
Showing posts from 2022

Google Docs is a free online word-processing service developed by Google.

Google Docs is a free online word-processing service developed by Google. Google Docs is a free online word processing service developed by Google that allows users to create and edit documents, as well as to collaborate with others in real-time. It was launched in 2006 and has since become one of the most popular word processing tools on the internet.

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime Amazon Prime is a paid subscription service offered by Amazon that provides users with a range of benefits, including free two-day shipping on eligible items, access to streaming of movies, TV shows, and music, and the ability to borrow e-books from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library. It was launched in 2005 and has since become one of the most popular subscription services in the world.

Explain User Input & Type Casting in Python | Command Line Input | Python Tutorial for Beginners

Explain User Input & Type Casting in Python | Command Line Input | Python Tutorial for Beginners

What are Data Types in Python | All Data Types | Tutorial For Beginners

What are Data Types in Python | All Data Types | Tutorial For Beginners

Top 5 technology trends to watch out

Top 5 technology trends to watch out 

Is this really the end of Twitter?

Is this really the end of Twitter? Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share and discuss information in the form of tweets, which are short messages limited to 280 characters. It was launched in 2006 and has since become a popular platform for communication and information sharing, with over 330 million monthly active users as of 2021.

What are Bitwise Operators (And, OR, XOR) in Python | Explained

What are Bitwise Operators (And, OR, XOR) in Python | Explained  Bitwise operators are a set of operators that perform bit-level operations on integers. These operators are primarily used to perform bit manipulation on binary data.

What are Identify Operators in Python

What are Identify Operators in Python Identify operators in Python are used to determine the identity of an object. There are two identity operators in Python: is and is not.

What are Membership Operators in Python

What are Membership Operators in Python In Python, membership operators are used to test whether a value is a member of a sequence (such as a list, tuple, or string) or a set, or to test whether a value is present in a dictionary as a key. There are two membership operators in Python: in and not in.

Implementing AI during a worldwide talent shortage

Implementing AI during a worldwide talent shortage Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) during a worldwide talent shortage can be a way for organizations to address the challenges of finding and retaining skilled workers. AI systems can automate certain tasks and processes, which can free up human workers to focus on more complex and value-added work. This can be especially useful in industries where there is a shortage of skilled labor, as it can help to increase efficiency and productivity.

Will AI replace human workers?

Will AI replace human workers? Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate certain tasks and processes, which could potentially lead to the replacement of human workers in some cases. However, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace human workers in the near future.

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Social Media Radically Evolve

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Social Media Radically Evolve

10 Best Business Books

10 Best Business Books There are many business books that offer valuable insights and practical advice for entrepreneurs and professionals. Here are ten of the best business books that are worth reading:

How to Save Your Job from ChatGPT?

How to Save Your Job from ChatGPT If you are working at a tech company and are concerned about losing your job, there are several steps you can take to try to secure your employment.

Ways AI Is Transforming Business

Ways AI Is Transforming Business Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming business in many ways, from improving efficiency and productivity to enabling new products and services. Some of the key ways in which AI is transforming business include the following:

What are lawmakers and regulators doing about AI?

What are lawmakers and regulators doing about AI? Lawmakers and regulators around the world are taking various actions to address the potential risks and challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence (AI). These actions include the development of new laws and regulations, the establishment of advisory committees and research organizations, and the funding of AI-related research and development.

New 'Buy the Dip' ETF uses AI tech to target oversold stocks

New 'Buy the Dip' ETF uses AI tech to target oversold stocks A new exchange-traded fund (ETF) called the "Buy the Dip" ETF uses AI technology to identify and target oversold stocks. An ETF is a type of investment vehicle that tracks a particular index or basket of assets, allowing investors to easily diversify their portfolios. The "Buy the Dip" ETF uses AI algorithms to analyze market data and identify stocks that are trading at a lower price relative to their recent history, indicating that they may be oversold.

What are Logical Operators in Python

What are Logical Operators in Python In Python, logical operators are used to combine conditional statements. These operators return a Boolean value based on the result of the conditional statements.

What are Comparison Operators in Python

What are Comparison Operators in Python In Python, comparison operators are used to compare the values of two variables. These operators return a Boolean value (either True or False) based on the result of the comparison.

What are Assignment Operators in Python

What are Assignment Operators in Python  In Python, the assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable. For example, the statement x = 5 assigns the value 5 to the variable x. In addition to the standard assignment operator (=), Python provides a set of shorthand assignment operators that combine assignment with an arithmetic or logical operation. These operators are useful for writing concise and efficient code.

What are Operators in Python | Explain Arithmetic Operators in Python | Python Tutorial

What are Operators in Python | Explain Arithmetic Operators in Python | Python Tutorial Operators are special symbols in Python that carry out arithmetic or logical computation. The value that the operator operates on is called the operand. For example, in the expression 4 + 5 = 9, the plus sign (+) is the operator that performs addition. The 4 and 5 are the operands.

What is String in Python and How to Concatenate Two String Variables

What is String in Python and How to Concatenate Two String Variables In Python, a string is a sequence of characters. A string can be created by enclosing characters inside a single quote or double-quotes. For example: Copy code string1 = 'Hello World' string2 = "Hello World" To concatenate two string variables in Python, you can use the + operator. For example: Copy code string1 = 'Hello' string2 = 'World' string3 = string1 + string2 print(string3)  # Output: "HelloWorld" You can also use the join() method to concatenate two string variables. The join() method is called on one string, and the other string is passed as a parameter to the join() method. The join() method inserts the second string in between the characters of the first string. For example: Copy code string1 = 'Hello' string2 = 'World' string3 = ''.join([string1, string2]) print(string3)  # Output: "HelloWorld" You can also use the format() meth

What is Variable in Python and How to Create Variables in Python | Python Tutorials

What is Variable in Python and How to Create Variables in Python | Python Tutorials In Python, a variable is a named location in memory that stores a value. A variable is like a container that holds a value, and you can use a variable to refer to the value it holds. This allows you to use the same value in multiple places in your code, and to easily change the value if needed.

Create your first Project on Python Using Print Function | Python Tutorial

To create your first project using the Python print function, follow these steps: Open PyCharm and click "Create New Project" in the Welcome screen. In the New Project dialog, specify a location for the project and select a Python interpreter. If you are unsure which Python interpreter to use, you can choose the default interpreter that comes bundled with PyCharm. Click "Create" to create the project and open the main PyCharm window. In the main PyCharm window, click the "File" menu and select "New" followed by "Python File". In the "New Python File" dialog, enter a name for the file and click "OK" to create the file. In the editor window, type the following code to print a message using the Python print function: Copy code print("Hello, World!") Save the file by clicking the "File" menu and selecting "Save". To run the code, click the "Run" menu and select "Run" foll

What is Pycharm and How to Install Pycharm for Python on Windows | Python for Beginners to Pro

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Python programming language. It is developed by JetBrains and is available in two editions: the free and open-source Community edition, and the paid Professional edition. PyCharm provides a wide range of features for Python development, including intelligent code completion, code inspections, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick-fixes, and support for various frameworks and libraries.

Download & Installation of Python on Windows | Python for Beginners

Download & Installation of Python on Windows | Python for Beginners To download and install Python on Windows, follow these steps: Visit the official Python website at and click on the Download Python button.

What is Python | Python Programming | Introduction to Python for Beginners

What is Python | Python Programming | Complete Introduction to Python for Beginners There are a few different ways to learn Python, but the best way is to start by downloading the Python software and installing it on your computer. This will allow you to start writing and running Python programs on your own computer.

Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses algorithms called neural networks to make predictions or take actions based on data. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and is particularly well-suited to tasks that require the ability to learn and adapt over time, such as image and speech recognition.

S&P 500 • JPMorgan Chase & Co • S&P Global Ratings

S&P 500 • JPMorgan Chase & Co • S&P Global Ratings  The S&P 500 is an index of 500 large-cap stocks that are traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ. The index is widely regarded as a leading indicator of the overall performance of the U.S. stock market and is often used as a benchmark for the performance of mutual funds and other investment vehicles.

2022 • Integrated circuit • Billion • Production

2022 • Integrated circuit • Billion • Production An integrated circuit (IC) is a tiny electronic device that is made up of a series of interconnected components, such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors, on a small piece of semiconductor material. ICs are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including computers, smartphones, and other consumer electronics.

Inflation • Federal Reserve System • Stock market • Finance

Inflation • Federal Reserve System • Stock market • Finance Inflation is an increase in the overall level of prices for goods and services in an economy. It is typically measured as the percentage change in the consumer price index (CPI), which is a basket of commonly-used goods and services. Inflation can have a range of impacts on the economy and on individuals and businesses.

Chery • Crossover • Crash test • Euro NCAP • Citroën C5 • Russia

Chery • Crossover • Crash test • Euro NCAP • Citroën C5 • Russia Chery is a Chinese multinational automobile manufacturer based in Wuhu, Anhui. The company was founded in 1997 and is known for producing a range of vehicles, including sedans, hatchbacks, and crossovers. Chery is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in China and has a significant presence in international markets, including Russia.

Internet of Things (IoT)

 The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, and other objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data. This network of interconnected devices allows for the automation and remote control of various processes and systems, and has the potential to revolutionize many industries and aspects of daily life.

Recommender Systems

A recommender system, also known as a recommendation system, is a tool that helps businesses and organizations to provide personalized recommendations to their users or customers. This is typically done by analyzing large amounts of data about the users' preferences and behaviors, and using this data to identify items or products that are likely to be of interest to each individual user.

Computer vision

Computer vision Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on the development of algorithms and systems that can process, analyze, and understand visual data from the real world. It involves the use of machine learning, computer vision algorithms, and other techniques to enable computers to "see" and make decisions based on what they see.

Natural language processing (NLP)

Natural language processing (NLP) Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interactions between computers and human languages. It involves the use of algorithms and machine learning techniques to process, analyze, and generate natural language text and speech.


Robotics Robotics is a field of engineering and science that focuses on the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robots are typically used to perform tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or too complex for humans to perform.

Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on training algorithms to make decisions in a dynamic environment. Unlike supervised learning, in which the algorithm is given the correct output for each example in the training data, reinforcement learning algorithms must learn through trial and error, receiving feedback in the form of rewards or punishments for their actions.

Deep learning

Deep learning Deep learning is a type of machine learning that involves the use of algorithms called artificial neural networks to learn from data. Unlike traditional machine learning algorithms, which are designed to learn from a limited set of features, deep learning algorithms can learn from a vast amount of data and discover hidden patterns and relationships in the data.

Machine learning

Machine learning Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. This is achieved through the use of algorithms that iteratively learn from data, allowing the software to improve its performance on a specific task over time.

Embedded Application (EA)

An embedded application (EA) is a software application that is designed to run on a specific device or platform, such as a smartphone or a smart home appliance. Embedded applications are typically designed to perform a specific function or set of functions, and they are integrated into the device or platform on which they run.

Process discovery

Process discovery is the process of identifying and understanding the various processes and activities that take place within an organization. This can involve analyzing the flow of work, information, and resources within an organization, and identifying the key steps and tasks involved in each process.

Military weapons

Military weapons are weapons that are designed and used by military forces for the purpose of defending a country or conducting military operations. They can include a wide range of weapons, from small arms and explosives to aircraft, tanks, and naval vessels.

AI ethics

AI ethics is the study of the moral implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. It involves considering the ethical implications of AI technologies and algorithms, and developing guidelines and principles for the responsible design, development, and use of AI.

Digital avatars

A digital avatar is a digital representation of a user or a character in a virtual environment. It can be a two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) image that is used to represent a user in a virtual world or online game. Digital avatars can be customized by the user to reflect their appearance, personality, or preferences.

Art through NFTs

 Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be replicated or exchanged for other assets. They are often used to represent ownership of digital art, collectibles, and other digital assets. In the context of art, NFTs have been gaining popularity as a way for artists to sell and distribute their digital creations in a more secure and verifiable way.

Launch of better autonomous systems

Launch of better autonomous systems The launch of better autonomous systems refers to the development and deployment of advanced AI-powered systems that are capable of performing tasks without direct human intervention. Autonomous systems are designed to operate independently and make decisions based on their programming and the data they receive from their sensors and other inputs.

Information security, also known as InfoSec.

Information security, also known as InfoSec, is the practice of protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. It involves a set of policies, technologies, and practices that are designed to safeguard sensitive data and prevent data breaches, cyber attacks, and other security incidents.

Large Language Models (LLM)

 Large Language Models (LLM) Large language models are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. They are called "large" because they are typically trained on massive amounts of data, which allows them to learn the patterns and nuances of human language. This enables them to generate text that is highly realistic and human-like in its style and content.

Development in predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is a branch of data analytics that deals with using existing data to make predictions about future events. This can involve using statistical models and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in data and use them to make predictions about future outcomes. Over the past few years, there has been significant development in the field of predictive analytics, which has led to significant improvements in its accuracy and effectiveness.

Thinking about starting a YouTube Shorts channel.

Thinking about starting a YouTube Shorts channel. It's great that you're thinking about starting a YouTube Shorts channel! Here are some steps you can take to get started:

How many GB of RAM does your computer need? Find out this way

How many GB of RAM does your computer need? Find out this way The amount of RAM (random-access memory) that your computer needs depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of tasks you are performing and the applications you are using. In general, most computers will benefit from having at least 8 GB of RAM, although 16 GB or more is recommended for heavy multitasking or gaming.

Write a simple chess game in python code.

Write a simple chess game in python code. To create a simple chess game in Python, you can follow these steps: Define a class for the chess board. This class should have a method to initialize the board and a method to display the board. Define a class for the chess pieces. This class should have attributes to store the position and color of each piece, as well as methods to move the pieces and check if a move is valid. Create a function to handle player input. This function should prompt the player for a move and validate the input to make sure it is in the correct format and that the move is legal. Create a main game loop that alternates between player turns and checks for the end of the game. The game should end when one player captures the opponent's king or when there is a draw. Here is an example of how this code might look: class ChessBoard:   def __init__(self):     # Initialize the board     self.board = [['R', 'N', 'B', 'Q', 'K', &#

This is how marketing your company or product on social media

 This is how marketing your company or product on social media Marketing your company or product on social media can be a highly effective way to reach a large and engaged audience. To successfully market your company or product on social media, there are several key steps you should follow:

Rice that grows for years once planted has been developed in China! 'Like planting a mango and eating the fruit in the 10th year'

Rice that grows for years once planted has been developed in China! 'Like planting a mango and eating the fruit in the 10th year' Thousands of farmers in China have started growing new types of rice. It has made the dreams of old scientists come true. It is an evergreen type of rice. You don't have to wear it every season. Rice grows year after year from the old roots in the soil.

It will take another 6 months to operate hydrogen transport, Korean company is willing to build a 'refill station' | What kind of revolution will the electric air taxi bring to the air service industry in the next decade?

It will take another 6 months to operate hydrogen transport, Korean company is willing to build a 'refill station' The plan to drive cars with hydrogen, put forward by Kathmandu University, has moved to 6 months.

No need to keep mobile phones in airplane mode while boarding ships, EU has given permission | Who blocked you on Facebook Messenger? Here's how to find out

No need to keep mobile phones in airplane mode while boarding ships, EU has given permission Passengers will soon be able to use their mobile phones and use the Internet inside the aircraft flying within the European Union (EU) member countries. These facilities are going to be added to the airlines that are affiliated to the European Commission.

Finally, WorldLink's NetTV app is live streaming World Cup football | How does AI know when a player is offside in the World Cup?

Finally, WorldLink's NetTV app is live streaming World Cup football Internet service provider Worldlink's IPTV service NetTV's mobile app can also be used to watch World Cup football live. The company is going to show it live in collaboration with Media Hub, which has the right to broadcast World Cup 2022 from FIFA for Nepal.

Oppo's cheap phone A17 is coming to the Nepali market |

Oppo's cheap phone A17 is coming to the Nepali market Oppo is going to launch the 'A17K' smartphone in the Nepali market soon. Oppo's cheap phone, which was released in the global market on October 13, is going to be released in Nepal soon. The A17K smartphone that Oppo is about to launch in the Nepali market has a 6.56-inch display.

Want to see the old look of any website? Here's the easy way | 14 Weird Facts From Internet History You Might Not Know

Want to see the old look of any website? Here's the easy way There are millions of websites live on the internet. Among them there are hundreds of websites that we know. Such websites are modified according to the demand of time. The site may not always be the same as it was in the early days.

Preparing to show the semi-final and final matches of World Cup football for free on Nepal Television | 5 server locations that should not be used when connecting to VPN, may be such a risk | How to view blocked websites on the Internet without VPN?

Preparing to show the semi-final and final matches of World Cup football for free on Nepal Television Under the World Cup 2022 held in Qatar, the semi-final and final matches have been prepared to be broadcast on Nepal Television. According to the information given by the television source, discussions are going on with the World Football Federation (FIFA) for this.

1 year since the launch of ePassport, did you get it? | Are you buying a TV to watch World Cup football? So take the right decision | Ronaldo became the first person to reach 500 million followers on Instagram, followed by Messi

1 year since the launch of ePassport, did you get it? It has been a year since the government made electronic passports mandatory. One year after the launch of the new system, more than nine lakh Nepalis living abroad have received electronic passports.

Therefore, you cannot share the live pirated link of World Cup football on Facebook | Unnecessary use of electric lights increases light pollution, possibly even more deadly

Therefore, you cannot share the live pirated link of World Cup football on Facebook FIFA World Cup 2022 has started from Sunday. To watch the live broadcast of the Football World Cup in Nepal, you need to buy a subscription to the 'Himalaya Premium' channel. Some football fans may depend on pirated (stolen and uploaded) sites because they have to buy a subscription.

Why do credit/debit cards expire? | Musk's announcement that former US President Trump will be lifted by Twitter

Why do credit/debit cards expire?  If you use a credit or debit card, you must be aware of the expiry date of this card. This date helps to protect against various types of risks from user identity verification. But if the card is expired, you cannot use it completely. That is why you should pay attention to the expiry date of your card.

Oppo A One Pro launched with 12 GB RAM | Redmi 10A price drops | Oppo A One Pro is going public, these are the features

Oppo A One Pro launched with 12 GB RAM Oppo brand's mid-range smartphone 'Oppo A One Pro' has been released. This model is the first 'Pro' model of Oppo's A series. It has a 6.7-inch display with a 120Hz refresh rate, which has a curved punchhole display. Along with a 108-megapixel main camera, the phone has a two-megapixel depth sensor and a 16-megapixel front camera.  

Android Users More Honest Than iPhones - Study | What monitor to buy for gaming?

Android Users More Honest Than iPhones - Study  In some cases, the phone we choose reflects our personality. A study has shown that users who buy Android phones are more honest and humble than those who buy iPhones.

Social media account hacked? Do this to bring it back

Social media account hacked? Do this to bring it back There are various ways to recover a social network account that has been accessed by a hacker or unauthorized person. Sometimes this process can be a little long and sometimes the account can come back quickly.

What is the 'football intelligence' technology used in the World Cup 2022?

What is the 'football intelligence' technology used in the World Cup 2022? Football World Cup 2022 starting from November 2022 is very popular because of the technology used in it. New technologies have been used in the World Cup to be held in Qatar. Meanwhile, the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) is using a technology called 'Football Intelligence' in the World Cup 2022 this time.

How does 'HDR' technology makes photos or videos look great?

How does 'HDR' technology makes photos or videos look great?  Whether you are editing a photo or video or watching a TV ad, you may have heard a word called 'HDR' a lot. HDR is a short form of the English word 'High Dynamic Range' (High Dynamic Range).

Unnecessary people got likes on Tiktok? Do this | Twitter shuts down Blue Tick verification service after abuse

Unnecessary people got likes on Tiktok? Do this By default, Tiktok accounts are public. This means that anyone can see the content you put on Tiktok or your profile.

This is how to search by speaking on Facebook | Facebook's 'Professional Mode', where you can earn money

This is how to search by speaking on Facebook Facebook's parent company Meta has recently included various new features to make Facebook attractive. Last week Meta announced a special feature for Facebook groups. Among which, it was said that special features will be released to the admin to upload the reel to the group and manage the content.

Twitter's new verification scheme will have two checkmarks, one unbuyable | The smart way to take screenshots on iPhone | Do not pick up calls from unknown names or numbers on social media- Cyber ​​Bureau

Twitter's new verification scheme will have two checkmarks, one unbuyable Twitter's new verification plan will have two different systems. Company VP Esther Crawford, who is leading the revamped Twitter Blue, said that even though Blue Tick is available as a subscription, certain accounts will have an 'official' label.

Are the days of the fax really over?

Are the days of the fax really over? For the new generation born after 2000, fax machines may be a new thing. In fact, most offices do not have fax machines. Even the fax machine has started to be known as a thing of history.

Contactless payment system

Contactless payment system Contactless payments work in a way similar to credit and debit cards, which use radio frequency identification (RFID). This technology works with the help of electromagnets, in which the tags given on the top of the card capture various types of necessary information of the customers. It is different from mobile payment to many extents. This technology is currently available in very few areas. There is a contactless payment card called EVM, which also works in ATMs. All the necessary details of the customers are given in the magnetic strip given in this card.

'Avatar 2' is the longest film of this year, the audience has to spend almost 4 hours in the hall

'Avatar 2' is the longest film of this year, the audience has to spend almost 4 hours in the hall The second series of the Hollywood film 'Avatar' directed by James Cameron is preparing to be screened all over the world including Nepal on January 1st.

How to monitor and control data consumption on the phone?

How to monitor and control data consumption on the phone? The number of users using mobile data on smartphones is increasing rapidly.

So all apps need the lite version

So all apps need the lite version Light versions of various apps have been getting popular for a few years now. Many users are attracted to the light version of the app as it consumes less data. Various companies that are considered giants in technology are releasing light versions of their apps targeting users in low-income countries.

What is open source, and how can it be used?

What is open source, and how can it be used?  Open source is the most popular word in the internet. In general, open source refers to source code that is publicly accessible. Anyone can modify the source code of open source and use it for personal purposes.

Mobile Operating System

Mobile Operating System Friends, when we go to get any smart phone, or think of taking it, first of all we try to know that the phone we are taking is the phone running on which Android operating system. If we talk about smartphones, then it is the world's best selling and used Android based smartphone. If the operating system is not used in it, then it is like a garbage can and if a good mobile operating system is installed in it, then it becomes the best and most selling smartphone. In today's article, we are going to provide you information on this important topic. Along with this, we will also give detailed information about its different types, so read this article till the end.

Here's how a secret feature hidden in the iPhone's trackpad works

Here's how a secret feature hidden in the iPhone's trackpad works Typing on iPhone and iPad is a controversial issue. The problem of typing error in every new iOS update is not new. One of the biggest problems faced by users while typing on iPhone is not being able to move the cursor correctly while editing text.

How to share iPhone notes

How to share iPhone notes One of the advantages of the Internet is that you can talk or otherwise collaborate with people in real time. From casual chats to big decision-making, the availability of the Internet is no excuse for any task.

It took 14 hours to upload the first picture from Nepal on the Internet!

It took 14 hours to upload the first picture from Nepal on the Internet!  Interestingly, the first picture uploaded on the internet from Nepal was of Lord Ganesha. An American journalist named Jeff Greenwald posted the picture on the Internet.

Like on Twitter, the 'handle' will be available on YouTube as well

Like on Twitter, the 'handle' will be available on YouTube as well YouTube has prepared a big change in its platform. With the new change, users will be able to create a separate 'handle' for their YouTube account.

Digital currency: Preparing to use 'e-Rupee' in India, how beneficial?

Digital currency: Preparing to use 'e-Rupee' in India, how beneficial? Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said while presenting the budget for the financial year 2022-23 - The digital currency of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or e-Rupee will strengthen the country's economy.

Adsense Supports

 Adsense Supports I am sure people who work related to blogging or websites must know about Google Adsense, but for the sake of those who don't know, I will tell you a little about it.

Hackers are happy if you make these mistakes

Hackers are happy if you make these mistakes The graph of cyber attacks is constantly rising. It is not possible to say that Nepalis are safe in the digital world when the risk has increased all over the world.

How is a cyber attack from photos?

How is a cyber attack from photos? You need to be very careful about keeping your device and your data safe from viruses, phishing, and infected Wi-Fi networks. One of the most overlooked areas of data security challenges is photography. Many people may not know that the photos on our devices can also contain malware.

Metaverse is the future? Here are the 10 biggest controversies associated with the Metaverse

Metaverse is the future? Here are the 10 biggest controversies associated with the Metaverse 'Metaverse' is a very popular topic in the world of technology. Investments are also increasing along with the discussion about Metaverse. Big companies are investing in Metaverse. Among them, the most popular company name for Metaverse is Meta.

What is IP Address and Information

What is IP Address and Information The computer that we use for many things, many things are done with the help of IP. With its help, all the details of a computer can be obtained. Information about special things related to IP address is being given here.

What is robotics and how does it work?

What is robotics and how does it work? Today, technology has developed over time and almost all types of work in our lives are being done with the help of machines, that is, the work done by machinery is being done easily and accurately and because of this Today, the demand for machines is increasing day by day. Today, in this important article, we are going to tell you about the most developed and important robotic machine in human civilization and tell you how it works. Be sure to read the article till the end.

HDMI a digital look

HDMI a digital look  Man has been trying to make his life easier since the beginning. This is the reason why we see new inventions in the world from time to time. Then other new things came out of that invention. With time, man began to consider his needs along with his desires. Entertainment became the need of this long life and these needs gave birth to a new thing, which came to be called "technology". The computer is the gift of this, the advent of which brought a revolution in the life of common people. It also had an impact on politics. Technology is mainly of two types, digital and analog. It has evolved more with the digital age. The full name of HDMI is High Definition Multimedia Interface, which is a very new form of digital technology.

New update in Windows 11, warning if the password is unsafe

New update in Windows 11, warning if the password is unsafe Microsoft has introduced 'Enhanced Phishing Protection' feature in version 22H2 (22H2) of Windows 11. This new update will show a threat notification when typing a password on an insecure app or site, for which Microsoft Defender will be used. This feature introduced by Microsoft is based on SmartScreen technology.

Whose voice is there when using Google Maps?

Whose voice is there when using Google Maps? Smartphones play a big role in making our daily life easier. Especially Google's various services have made many of our jobs easier. Google Maps is one of the most used Google services. If you have to go to a new place, Google Maps works as a virtual guide.

About 19 hours later, e-sewa returned to the Play Store

About 19 hours later, e-sewa returned to the Play Store The e-service, which was suddenly removed from the Play Store, is available again. Esewa, which was removed from the Play Store for technical reasons, has returned since 5 pm on Friday. Users who wanted to download new apps apart from the already installed apps on their mobiles were affected due to this problem. Now Android users can download this app from Play Store. 

Problem with Google Photos photos and videos backed up

Problem with Google Photos photos and videos backed up For a few days now, Android users have been complaining that the quality of the photos and videos stored in the Google Photos backup has decreased and the problem is that they will not open. There have been complaints that the photos and videos in the backup are not opening, blurring, not showing clearly, and taking a long time to load.

Did you not like the comments on Tiktok? Dislike

Did you not like the comments on Tiktok? Dislike Now you can dislike comments you don't like on Tiktok. Tiktok is adding a dislike button to comments for all users.

Keep these things in mind while buying goods online

Keep these things in mind while buying goods online  Online shopping has played a huge role in the lives of many of us. The various materials you need will arrive in your room as soon as you search and order them online. In this way, online shopping is effective, but the various scams that have been happening online lately are its reasons. Therefore, while shopping online, it is necessary to be very careful about counterfeit goods and fraud.

YouTube's algorithm can't block videos that users don't want to watch

YouTube's algorithm can't block videos that users don't want to watch YouTube has provided many features for viewers to watch their favorite videos. Disliking a video is one of them. In the video that we don't like, we dislike it by clicking on the 'thumbs down' icon. This way, YouTube won't recommend videos you don't like in the future.

Smart Google Search Tricks You May Not Know

Smart Google Search Tricks You May Not Know One of the most attractive features of Google is Google Search. This feature can be used in various ways to make your daily life easier.

Is Mark Zuckerberg the cause of student depression?

Is Mark Zuckerberg the cause of student depression? Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, is a means of social networking, which is currently used by two billion people every day. After this medium started to become famous, there are many positive and negative aspects about it.

Here's how to use iPhone 14 Pro's Dynamic Island feature on Android phones for free

Here's how to use iPhone 14 Pro's Dynamic Island feature on Android phones for free With the help of Apple's notification, dynamic island has been launched in iPhone 14 Pro model to hide the front camera notch, the developers have started trying to imitate this feature in Android as well. A MIUI (Android-based mobile operating system developed and managed by Xiaomi) developer had previously made the Dynamic Island feature work on Xiaomi phones. Realme is also asking its users if they want the feature.

6 Reasons Not to Buy the iPhone 14

6 Reasons Not to Buy the iPhone 14 Just two weeks ago, Apple released its long-awaited new iPhone series, the iPhone 14 series. The pre-orders have already started and sales of the new series of smartphones have also started in some countries.

Freelancing to reduce unemployment

Freelancing to reduce unemployment Unemployment is rampant in the country. Thousands of educated and skilled youths with bachelor/postgraduate degrees are also unemployed while some are forced to work for minimum wages.

How about Xiaomi's phone with a 200-megapixel camera? | Vivo's 'Y35' and 'Y22' smartphones in the Nepali market, this is the price and features | Are the iPhone 13 and 14 really the same?

How about Xiaomi's phone with a 200-megapixel camera? Xiaomi is also going to release a smartphone with a 200 megapixel camera soon. According to the leaked news, the company is providing a 200 megapixel camera in the new smartphone 'Xiaomi 12T' which is being prepared.

Why is the message "This mobile is registered in the MDMS system" coming? | Isn't the mobile phone you have or want to buy from the market illegal? Do this to find out.

Why is the message "This mobile is registered in the MDMS system" coming?  Is your phone today "This mobile is registered in the MDMS system." Did you get the message? If so, be sure. Not only you, but the Nepal Telecommunication Authority is also sending similar messages to all phones in Nepal today Thursday.

How does QR code work? | Ncell's Dashain offer, up to Rs.40 bonus on recharge

How does QR code work?  If you have made an online payment, you must have seen the QR code. Now it is common to see QR codes in every shop.

How to choose a good laptop? | Instagram steals yet another feature from TikTok

 How to choose a good laptop? Not only friends and relatives in your life, but also strangers on the Internet are asking you about laptops. In this case, what kind of laptop to buy? Is it better if there is something on the laptop? You may be faced with questions of a nature that are difficult to answer quickly.

Australia: Increasing the quota of foreigners who can move to permanent residence may also benefit Nepalis.

Australia: Increasing the quota of foreigners who can move to permanent residence may also benefit Nepalis. After Australia increased the permanent immigration quota for foreigners, Nepalese people living permanently in Australia have said that Nepalis are also "likely to take advantage of it".

Cloud Factory Nepal

Cloud Factory Nepal Millions of foreign tourists visit Nepal every year. Its natural, cultural, religious and various other beauties are the center of attraction for tourists.

Find out, the main features of the iPhone 14 series that will be released

Find out, the main features of the iPhone 14 series that will be released  Today, Apple is releasing a new series of iPhones, the iPhone 14. The phone will be available in the market only a few days after the release of the phone.

How to scan photos and documents and share files from Google Drive

How to scan photos and documents and share files from Google Drive  Google's Google Drive service is very popular all over the world. Its features like storage and photo scanner have made the daily life of some people easier.

How does the internet work in an airplane flying 35,000 feet in the sky?

How does the internet work in an airplane flying 35,000 feet in the sky? Most of the international flights have internet facility inside the aircraft. Passengers can easily watch movies, read online books, listen to songs, etc. through the Internet. In-flight Wi-Fi is available on most long-haul international flights. But such facility is usually paid.

JBL Wireless Earbuds | Now the Redmi phone does not come with a charger!

 JBL Wireless Earbuds  JBL has introduced wireless earbuds with touch display and smart charging case for the first time. Recently, the company has released wireless earbuds of 'Tour Pro 2' model.

Have you let someone else use your WiFi or Internet without naming it?

Have you let someone else use your WiFi or Internet without naming it? Currently, the number of users using Wi-Fi is more than mobile data. As Wi-Fi is cheaper than mobile data, many people use Wi-Fi more for business and personal purposes.

If there is a nuclear war between Russia and America, 5 billion people in the world will die of starvation

If there is a nuclear war between Russia and America, 5 billion people in the world will die of starvation  A new study shows that if there is a nuclear war between the US and Russia, five billion people around the world, or 75 percent of the world's population, will die of famine and starvation. Due to the explosion of nuclear weapons, there will be terrible fires, excessive amounts of moisture will enter the atmosphere, and it will prevent sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth.

Looking for a future in AI? Adopt these skills

Looking for a future in AI? Adopt these skills There are many examples of successful people who are interested in technology and see their future in it. Most of the richest people in the world today belong to the information technology sector. If you are looking for a future in technology based on your studies or skills, then artificial intelligence may be right for you.

Xiaomi 12 Lite with 108-megapixel camera in Nepali market, how much is the price? | Huawei Mate 50 series to be released on September 6

Xiaomi 12 Lite with 108-megapixel camera in Nepali market, how much is the price? Xiaomi 12 Lite has been released in the Nepali market. The company has made this ultra slim 5G smartphone available to Nepali consumers since Wednesday.

Iranian hacker hacking Gmail account and reading user's emails | When was your phone made? Here's how to find out

Iranian hacker hacking Gmail account and reading user's emails A hacker group protected by the Iranian government has been found to be automatically downloading and reading emails sent to Yahoo and Outlook along with Gmail.

Should not be placed in the same basket as Google, all their digital eggs

Should not be placed in the same basket as Google, all their digital eggs If our phone is damaged, you may not be very different. Because the phone can be made. Even if it can be purchased new can be purchased. But what would happen to Google Account Bug?

The study says - Ncell's service in voice and Nepal Telecom's service in data are better

The study says - Ncell's service in voice and Nepal Telecom's service in data are better In a study conducted by Nepal Telecommunication Authority, the regulatory body of the telecommunication sector, the service of Ncell in terms of voice and data of Nepal Telecom is good. The study conducted by the authority in some places in Kathmandu Valley has come to this conclusion.

Skills everyone will need to work with digital technology in the future | Most startups in America are founded by immigrants

Skills everyone will need to work with digital technology in the future According to a recently published report, 85 percent of the jobs that will be available in 2030 have not yet come into existence. This has been mentioned in the report prepared by 'Institute for the Future in collaboration with Dell.

Facebook and Instagram's eyes are on your personal details, aren't they being misused somewhere? | When will Android 13 arrive on your phone?

Facebook and Instagram's eyes are on your personal details, aren't they being misused somewhere? It has been revealed that social media platforms Facebook and Instagram track their users. It is not uncommon for you to click on a website you see on Facebook and Instagram and get redirected to your browser of choice.

How to remove forgotten password from PPT?

How to remove forgotten passwords from PPT? Step-by-step instructions to Remove Password from PowerPoint (100 percent Working) Have you at any point applied a secret key to your PowerPoint show however later you needed to eliminate it? Or on the other hand, have you at any point got a secret word limited show yet you needed to alter it? Anything that the circumstance is, attempting to open or alter any record that is secret key safeguarded can be very disappointing assuming you neglected or lost the secret word. Fret not, however, this article will impart to you different successful ways of eliminating secret keys from PowerPoint.

How to open a password protected Word 2007 document if password is lost?

How to open a password-protected Word 2007 document if the password is lost? Unprotect Word Document without Password "How do I unprotect a word document without a password?" Do you forget the password after encrypting your Word files to protect them from being opened or edited? Actually, there are two different situations when a Word document is protected with a password. To secure your important files or data, setting a password on Word files is a reliable guarantee. While the increasing passwords pile up here and there, IT makes your brain mess up, and therefore you have the passwords forgotten. Therefore, unprotecting Word files without passwords is a required skill for future work. Part 1. For Word Only Read Password Actually, we can achieve how to unprotect a word document by targeting the "Only Read" mode first. The Read Only mode is designed for document protection. In this mode, you can only preview the content but without any right to modify or edit it. Le

How to change image resolution in android programmatically?

How to change image resolution in android programmatically? There are numerous applications accessible on the net for performing picture tasks, for example, editing, decreasing picture record size, or resizing the pictures to specific aspects. The greater part of these applications are API based where the picture is transferred to mysterious servers, different capabilities are performed, and afterward shown accordingly accessible for download. The cycle becomes mind-boggling with the contribution of the web. In any case, there are not many applications that can locally perform comparative activities.

What was the movie that has Elon Musk as a guest appearance which was aired on cable today?

What was the movie that has Elon Musk as a guest appearance which was aired on cable today? Elon Musk Cameos In Movies and TV Series That Went Unnoticed He's an entertainer now, as well! Business magnate and business visionary Elon Reeve Musk is known for establishing and running SpaceX. Moreover, he is a financial backer, Tesla's CEO, and Product Architect, and furthermore established The Boring Company, Neuralink, and Open AI.

Indonesia bans various digital platforms, including PayPal | Gmail's new interface was released, update like this | Google Play Store logo change, what do you think? | A smart way to view screenshots in the Google Photos app

Indonesia bans various digital platforms, including PayPal Indonesia has banned PayPal and other digital platforms for not following the rules of their country. Email website Yahoo, payment company PayPal, and other gaming websites have been banned by Indonesia.

How to choose a subject after Secondary Education Examination (SEE) - Nepal? | Choose a topic of interest | Selection of schools and colleges according to ability

Secondary Education Examination The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is the final examination in the secondary school system of Nepal which is taken by the National Examination Board. How to choose a subject after SEE? The result of SEE has come. Now students are confused about which subject to study in class 11. Along with the students, the parents are also in a dilemma. What is the subject of your interest? How useful will this subject be in the future? They need to take counseling (counseling) on ​​this matter.

Tired of website notifications in Google Chrome? Here's how to mute

Tired of website notifications in Google Chrome? Here's how to mute Google Chrome is the most used web browser in the world. If you use Google Chrome, you must be aware of this.

What kind of students why study CTEVT's IT?

What kind of students why study CTEVT's IT? The result of SEE has come. Some students are in two minds about which college to study and which subject. In this case, some colleges have already taken the entrance exam. Some have started the admission process.

Who invented the computer and when it was complete information?

Who invented the computer and when it was complete information? Who invented the computer - When was the computer invented? Friends, today we are going to talk about a very important topic. And you need to know about it. Today we are going to talk about who invented the computer and when it was done and together we will also know what is a computer. What is the history of computers? What is the full form of a computer and all the information related to this type of computer, today we are going to tell you through this article.

What is Google Drive and how to use it?

What is Google Drive and how to use it? Millions of people around the world use this online service created by Google. In this service, you get many such features which can prove to be very useful for you. So if you are not using Google Drive yet, then after reading this article you should also start using this service.

What will Earth's last selfie look like? AI created scary pictures of melting humans

What will Earth's last selfie look like? AI created scary pictures of melting humans Earth's last selfie: AI shows how humans will photograph themselves with melting skin, blood-stained faces, and mutated bodies while standing in front of a burning world.

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles introduction An electric vehicle is a vehicle that has electric engines and requires batteries and electricity, this is very important as it does not require any renewable energy source and is available in solar, hydro, biomass, thermal and wind can generate electricity.

What is bitcoin?

What is bitcoin? Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It is such a currency that no one can see it, it is found in virtual form. It is kept secure in electronic form. Its trend has increased tremendously in the last few years. You can buy it like any other currency like Dollar, Rupee, Krona, Dinar, etc. Let us know in detail in this blog what is Bitcoin.

New Technology - Upcoming Technology - 2022

 New Technology - Upcoming Technology - 2022 Technology has changed our world. New technology keeps coming every year to make people's lifestyles easier. Where technology equipped with machine learning and artificial intelligence dominated from 2022 to 2022, many new technologies are going to come in 2022. Here we are telling you about the top new technology and features coming in the future. So let's know about Top Future Upcoming technologies in 2022.

How to become a Blockchain Developer, Know its Types, Roles, and Skills

How to become a Blockchain Developer, Know its Types, Roles, and Skills Blockchain technology enhances security and speeds up the exchange of information in a way that is cost-effective and more transparent. The importance of blockchain has attracted the attention of organizations in various sectors with the banking sector being the most active. What is Blockchain? A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that stores transactions on thousands of computers worldwide. Blockchain technology enhances security and speeds up the exchange of information in a way that is cost-effective and more transparent. The importance of blockchain has attracted the attention of organizations in various sectors with the banking sector being the most active. Blockchain has resulted in the growth of thousands of new job positions and new startups ranging from mobile payment solutions to healthcare applications. In fact Blockchain is one of the top emerging technology domain in the current scenario of I

What to do, what not to do to stay safe in the virtual world?

What to do, what not to do to stay safe in the virtual world? Nowadays we are getting used to virtual activities. Especially social media has become an integral part of our daily life.

A young man using a 2 crore robot dog to find 22 billion worth of lost bitcoins

A young man using a 2 crore robot dog to find 22 billion worth of lost bitcoins To get his lost 8,000 bitcoins, a young man has prepared to use a ransom of Rs. In 2013, a bitcoin user named James Howells from Wales mistakenly threw away eight thousand bitcoins worth 17.6 million dollars, i.e. about 22.5 billion rupees, in a hard drive.

Risk of Spyware Attacks on iPhone, Urges Apple to Change Privacy Settings

Risk of Spyware Attacks on iPhone, Urges Apple to Change Privacy Settings Saying that the risk of spyware attacks has increased, Apple has asked its users to change their mobile privacy settings.

How to schedule a Facebook post

How to schedule a Facebook post Facebook is the most used social network in the world. Nowadays it has become not only a social network but also a center of online business.

Freefire shuts down 1.9 million user accounts

Freefire shuts down 1.9 million user accounts  In the past two weeks, Garina Freefire has closed more than 1.9 million accounts for violating the rules of the game. The company has closed the accounts of 1,953,983 people permanently for violating the rules of the game.

A smart way to run any website as a mobile app

A smart way to run any website as a mobile app With the widespread use of mobile phones and the Internet, the number of online portals and websites is also increasing day by day. According to Estatika, from 1991 to 2021, more than 1.88 billion websites were registered on the Internet. However, only 15 percent of them are active.

What is Snapchat, its features, and how to download it

What is Snapchat, its features, and how to download it The use of the Internet has created many mediums for connecting with people. In the meantime, when the era of email came and when it went, no one knew. Many such mediums have come to the people, with the help of which he can connect with all those people, whom he has not met for a long time. Various types of social sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, Hike, Instagram, etc. have made their important place among the people. Snapchat is also one of these. This is also a social site application that can be run on the internet. Users can capture photos, videos, etc. with its help. Apart from this, you can snap your 'story' in it, this application transmits all the stories accumulated in 24 hours to your Snapchat followers. Also, with the use of this app, the user can share his and his favorite videos, photos, etc. with his friends. Snap Chat uses Wi-Fi for all these tasks. It is visible to friends as a snap for 10 seconds and then dis