
Showing posts with the label job

How to Save Your Job from ChatGPT?

How to Save Your Job from ChatGPT If you are working at a tech company and are concerned about losing your job, there are several steps you can take to try to secure your employment.

16 crore women can lose their jobs

16 crore women can lose their jobs At least 160 million women could lose their jobs as the use of automated technology continues to grow. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has conducted a survey in 26 countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Cyprus, and Singapore, and found that millions of people, both men, and women, will lose their jobs in the next two decades due to automated technology. The number of girls is more among them. Less educated, clerks, salesmen, and women over 40 are more at risk. Their advice to handle the situation is to focus on enhancing the skills of women workers in the digital age. Emphasis should be placed on increasing the number of women in high positions, educating them in new technologies, making them suitable for new jobs.

Jobs that robots can't take away in the future

Jobs that robots can't take away in the future There is no doubt that computers, robots, artificial intelligence will take up a number of jobs in the coming days. According to a 2017 study, robots will lose about 600 million jobs worldwide by 2030. Already a large part of the work like cashier, telemarketing, umpiring is being controlled by computer. Advances in technology mean that the need for people to work decreases. And the more we move towards automation, the less they need for staff. But there are some things that robots can't do. What are those tasks? Where personality is needed, such a job cannot be taken away by a robot. Where there is compassion, judgment, natural instincts, building efficient relationships, they will not go into the hands of robots. As a result, those who work as caretakers, nurses, doctors, and even vendors are not afraid of losing their jobs. The task of completing a contract, where complex decisions need to be made, is unlikely for robots to succ

AI technology that creates 10 new jobs and hires 100 people ...

AI technology that creates 10 new jobs and hires 100 people ... Bangalore: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, which employs 10 people, is robbing 100 skilled workers at the same time. Due to this IT employees are losing jobs fast. The technology is being implemented in Bangalore, the Indian capital of information technology. With each new mechanical invention of man, his work is being made easier. But the machines that once made his job easier are now competing with him. From the introduction of the computer in the 1990s to the sending of mail into computers, machines that emptied thousands of jobs gradually began to come to man's aid in all industries and in all fields. From the introduction of the computer in the 1990s to the sending of mail into computers, machines that emptied thousands of jobs gradually began to come to man's aid in all industries and in all fields. Now man helps. Machines used to help the man before. But today man is becoming a helper for machines.