
Showing posts with the label AI

AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini can leak your privacy, how to protect it?

 AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini can leak your privacy, how to protect it?  AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot are also answering some sensitive and serious questions. It seems that those tools are only talking to 'me'. However, from the point of view of privacy, those conversations are open. Because some experts say that even the conversations of ordinary citizens with chatbots will be used for the development of AI models. In simple terms, there is no privacy in the conversation with those AI tools. However, just because there is no privacy does not mean that the tool itself is not used. Today we are discussing some of the ways to protect privacy at AItool: Talk without opening an account This is a very common method. But it is also effective. This is because the tool does not collect enough of your personal information. Now most AI tools can be used without opening an account. You can run various other AI tools from LMSYS chatbot arena. However, there are some disadv

Is there enough electricity in the world for AI?

 Is there enough electricity in the world for AI? If you touch the back of your laptop, it may feel warm. From displaying emails to making spreadsheets and running various chips, the laptop has to do millions of calculations, which consumes energy. For this reason, when you work for a long time, the battery of the laptop gets discharged quickly. Now imagine the millions and millions of computers in the world, which are not spreadsheets, but are making algorithms for artificial intelligence, i.e. AI! With the help of the same AI, such medicines can also be made which can be used to treat all types of cancer. It can also help in preventing the rising temperature of the earth. Not only this, there are many tasks that humans do not want to do, all of them can be done through machines with the help of AI. However, developing AI requires huge amounts of energy to run millions of computers and the air conditioning needed to cool them. AI is changing the world AI Artificial Intelligence i.e. A

AI being used in online fraud, what is the way to avoid it?

 AI being used in online fraud, what is the way to avoid it? Whether you're drafting an email, creating a piece of art, or pretending to be a friend or relative to help people in trouble, AI is ready to help. AI is multifaceted! But here we are discussing how to avoid becoming a victim of online fraud with its help. In the last few years, AI technology has made significant leaps in creating everything from text, audio to images and videos. With that, it is possible to produce such media content cheaply and easily. The same type of tool can be used not only to help imagine imaginary monsters or spaceships, or to help non-Americans improve their English, but also to aid in malicious activities. However, fraud is a social problem that has been going on for years. But generative AI is making such scams easier, cheaper and more persuasive. It is not possible to prepare a complete list of where and how AI can be used in such fraud. But some measures that they can adopt can be known. 1. V

China has created an AI robot with a brain, the risk of human existence is in crisis

 China has created an AI robot with a brain, the risk of human existence is in crisis Experts have been expressing concern about artificial intelligence robots since before. However, going further than that, China has made such a robot that can prove to be very dangerous for humans. China has created the world's first robot that has a human-like brain. That is, the robot can think like a human. This robot is the first AI robot to be controlled by human brain cells. It is considered a breakthrough in the field of biocomputation. In fact, AI does not match the level of human intelligence. That is why scientists have given the human brain to AI. Researchers at Tianjin University in China have developed a humanoid robot that works using human brain cells. The South China Morning Post said that this robot can develop hybrid human robot intelligence. At first glance, this concept may seem straight out of a science fiction movie. However, according to researchers, this humanoid hybrid hum

A concept paper has been prepared regarding the use and practice of AI in Nepal, what are the topics?

 A concept paper has been prepared regarding the use and practice of AI in Nepal, what are the topics?  For the first time, the government has prepared a concept paper on the use and practice of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although the development and use of AI is increasing globally, there is no policy and law related to this in Nepal, so the government has prepared a concept paper to set the basis for the necessary policy and law. The committee formed on January 5 has prepared a report on the concept paper and submitted it to the ministry. The report suggested that the government should make necessary policies, laws and procedures for the development, use and regulation of AI. Pointing out the need to address the issues of cyber security, data security and privacy at the policy level, the report suggested the formulation of a national policy on AI and the creation of a national strategy. Similarly, it has suggested that standards should be determined in such a way as to adapt to th

Open AI brings Zipty Store, millions of chatbots will be available in one store

 Open AI brings Zipty Store, millions of chatbots will be available in one store Open AI, the maker of Chat Gpity, has launched its first online store. In the online store, users will also be able to share their customized version of Chat Gpity. Open AI's online store was supposed to be launched last year. However, due to the commotion at the level of the CEO of the company, the launch date of the online store was pushed. However, Open AI's online store can only be used by users of the paid version of Chat GPT. The paid version of Chat Zipty has various advanced features which are not available in the free version. In the paid version of Chat Zipty, users can also solve math questions. In addition, this version can also tell colorful cocktail recipes. Open AI's online store is named Zipty Store. In this store, users can share any of their chatbots publicly. This means that Open AI has created a store where you can earn money by publishing your chatbots. It is very similar t

Deep Fake Video App, Technology: AI Tool, What is Deep Fake Technology?

 Deep Fake Video App, Technology: AI Tool, What is Deep Fake Technology? Technology like artificial intelligence was invented to help people, but now it has started to be misused, which used to affect ordinary people, but now the big leaders and actors of the world are also affected by it. have been Let's know on this page how deepfake technology works and what is deepfake technology. What is Deep Fake Technology? This is a technology that is used to set the face of any other person or celebrity on a person's photo or video, and when such a photo or video is released, it is It seems like the person appearing in the photo/video is a famous celebrity, but in reality he is not, only his face is used on someone else's body/face. Deep Fake Video Maker For information, we want to tell you that by DeepFake TechnoLogy such algorithms and patterns are studied, which are used to make changes in the existing photo or video to make it even more real. In this way, people easily trust th

Some common AI terminology for beginners

Some common AI terminology for beginners     1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - A field of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as perception, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.     2. Machine Learning (ML) - A subfield of AI that involves training algorithms to recognize patterns in data and make predictions or decisions based on those patterns.     3. Deep Learning (DL) - A subfield of ML that uses neural networks with many layers to analyze and learn from data.     4. Neural Network - A type of algorithm modeled after the structure of the human brain, consisting of layers of interconnected nodes that process and transmit information.     5. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - A subfield of AI that focuses on enabling computers to understand and generate human language.     6. Computer Vision (CV) - A subfield of AI that focuses on enabling computers to interpret and analyze visual information from