Changed Twitter domain and handle without official announcement: name-x, theme color black
Changed Twitter domain and handle without official announcement: name-x, theme color black The owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, has started to remove the well-known bird logo after finding a new logo for the company. Musk tweeted on Sunday and announced that he would change the logo of Twitter. On the same day, he said that the Twitter logo will be live from Monday when he found a suitable logo for Twitter that comes from the letter 'X'. Musk has considered the official logo that Twin Birch's co-founder Sawyer Marriott tweeted on Sunday. He tweeted an icon of X's new logo on Monday morning. Along with that, Musk has also placed the same logo on his profile. Now the name and logo of the official handle of Twitter has been changed. In the company icon behind the verification badge, the X logo has started appearing in place of Twitter's old bird. Not only that, the theme color is also black. However, Musk has not officially announced that the logo has been changed and the ...