
Showing posts with the label doctor

Artificial intelligence can give accurate information about heart attack than a doctor

Artificial intelligence can give accurate information about heart attack than a doctor Artificial Intelligence (AI) has now become more intelligent than humans. Artificial intelligence has started working from cooking to teaching and reading news. At the same time, a new study has emerged in which it is claimed that AI can predict a heart attack. This report has been published in the journal Cardiovascular Research. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the US have used AI-based machine learning to assess heart attack risk. He then compared the predictions with the subjects' actual experiences over fifteen years. In order to prepare this report, questions identifying the risk factors for the heart such as eating, exercise, and marital status were conducted. The final report included 1,912 subjects, which were studied after fifteen years. The study found out that machine learning made more accurate predictions about heart attacks. A researcher involved in this study stated,

Robot doctors will treat hospitals in China

 Robot doctors will treat hospitals in China If seen from the perspective of China, it will help them to treat billions of people faster. Obviously, this will also teach India a lesson because India is second only to China in terms of population. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now establishing its presence in every field. And at the same time, due to its specialty, it is proving more capable than humans. As every industry is getting the work done through robots and artificial intelligence. In such a situation, only the medical field was untouched for a long time, but now artificial intelligence is ready to spread its magic in this area too. Soon there are going to be such hospitals in China which will have robot doctors with AI machines to take care of patients. In this direction, China recently conducted an ambulance test in Hangzhou city. This ambulance was very comfortable from the middle of the traffic and in this way it was seen to be good for the patients trapped in the ambulanc