How to use Google Drive without internet?
How to use Google Drive without internet? A good alternative to create, work on, store, manage files is Google Drive. Through this, many people can work together on the same file. But for that, users need to be online. What if you can work like that even when you are offline! Today we will discuss about: How to use Google Drive offline on iOS and Android A feature that can work even when you are offline is available in Google Drive. This work can be done on both iOS and Android. You don't have to pay extra for this. That's it, you just have to adjust the settings for which files to work on offline when you're online. In addition, the related app (Docs, Sheets, Slides) has to be downloaded on the phone. Because many of these apps do not come pre-installed. If Google Drive is not installed on the phone then it should be installed as well. Then follow the procedure below: -Go to the file you want to work offline. That file can be anything like docs, sheets, slides. - Now clic...