AI technology that creates 10 new jobs and hires 100 people ...

AI technology that creates 10 new jobs and hires 100 people ...

Bangalore: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, which employs 10 people, is robbing 100 skilled workers at the same time. Due to this IT employees are losing jobs fast. The technology is being implemented in Bangalore, the Indian capital of information technology. With each new mechanical invention of man, his work is being made easier. But the machines that once made his job easier are now competing with him. From the introduction of the computer in the 1990s to the sending of mail into computers, machines that emptied thousands of jobs gradually began to come to man's aid in all industries and in all fields.

From the introduction of the computer in the 1990s to the sending of mail into computers, machines that emptied thousands of jobs gradually began to come to man's aid in all industries and in all fields.

Now man helps. Machines used to help the man before. But today man is becoming a helper for machines. The machines that were invented to help millions of people correct their mistakes and do their jobs are today everything they are. What used to be a machine has turned into a robot, yes a robot. They have developed artificial intelligence like a human.

100 people out of work Although artificial intelligence skills, known as AI in English, bring many benefits to human society, they are rapidly robbing him of his job. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, which employs 10 people, is robbing 100 skilled workers. Lose Jobs This artificial intelligence technology is being implemented in Bangalore, the Indian capital of information technology. Yet so far companies have not fired anyone on a large scale. They are in the process of being removed. 

IT companies are training to increase the efficiency of artificial intelligence technologies and to bridge the gap between man and AI. IT companies have come to this conclusion to overcome the lack of skills required for the job. Technology Service Popular English-language media has recently held discussions with Sreedhar Mitta, founder of NextWealth, a digital technology service provider, Prakash Mallya, President of Intel India, and Supriyo Das, Vice President, Wipro Technologies. 

Speaking on the occasion, Sridhar Mitta said, "If AI technology reduces 100 jobs, 10 jobs will be created. People who lose their jobs have different skills and move away. People get new jobs because they have different skills." Intel New Initiative Intel has launched efforts to teach AI in schools, said Intel founder Mallya. I also think there is now a need for a collaborative system to provide training skills outside of the industry. I also think that new initiatives are needed by various companies. We have to approach it in different ways. He said we need to bring AI technology into businesses, developers, and start-ups. 

AI Technology In our company's view, we do not see AI as a specific skill set for a particular individual. Wipro founder Das said AI is needed everywhere. $ 15.7 trillion In the meantime, Intel India has trained more than 1,50,000 developers, students, and professors since 2017 to develop skills in AI technology. ) Is estimated as. That’s why tech service companies tend to use AI centrally to raise the demand for talent.
