New AI Robot Judge to give an honest verdict to pending cases.!

New AI Robot Judge to give an honest verdict to pending cases.!

Estonia's justice system is currently facing a number of very backward problems, and many cases are pending.

The number of cases is higher than the number of judges, which has resulted in many more cases being adjudicated.

AI Robot Judge, Therefore, the Estonian Ministry of Justice has decided to appoint an AI Robot Judge for the first time in world history to deal with this situation and adjudicate pending cases. The AI ​​has decided to automate the whole process with the robot.

The AI ​​robot is being developed by the Ministry of Justice of Estonia, with the help of Chief Data Organizer Ode Wellsberg, who also teaches legal programs. It has also been reported that these robots will also be taught legal programs.

Judging AI Robot It has been reported that the AI ​​robot that is being developed is designed to deliver its verdict by examining the pending hug cases and examining the documents and other evidence related to the case.

The human rights judge will review the robot judge's verdict.

Honest Judgment The Estonian Ministry of Justice has stated that this will expedite the judging of millions of pending cases and will help to render honest judgments without any irregularities in the judiciary.

Pending Civil and Criminal Cases A similar problem has long existed in India. In India alone, 2.91 crore cases were registered last year. Notably, many of these are murder, robbery, civil and criminal cases.

There are only 17,400 judges in India with a total of 60,000 Supreme Court cases pending, and they have ruled on 2.91 crore cases registered last year. Last year alone, about 60,000 Supreme Court cases were still pending.

Will the Indian Ministry of Justice try? Questions have now been raised as to whether the Indian Ministry of Justice will try these AI robot judges as it can deliver as soon as a possible judgment on ordinary citizens awaiting justice and many pending cases.
