Who invented the computer and when it was complete information?

Who invented the computer and when it was complete information?

Who invented the computer - When was the computer invented? Friends, today we are going to talk about a very important topic. And you need to know about it. Today we are going to talk about who invented the computer and when it was done and together we will also know what is a computer. What is the history of computers? What is the full form of a computer and all the information related to this type of computer, today we are going to tell you through this article.

If you also want to know who invented the computer, then you must read this article till its completion. In this post, I will try my best to give you all the information related to computers in simple language and if you have any questions in your mind then you can tell us through a comment below. So let's start this article today.

Today the whole world is using computers and why not? The computer has become the daily necessity of our life today. People use computers to do all their small tasks. Since the invention of the computer, the whole world has changed since then, the world has got a new flight. And all this has been possible only because of the computer.

Whatever technology we are using today, it is not possible to think about it without computers. In such a situation, the question must have come to your mind after all, who made this computer, and what is the history of the computer? And this question should also come to everyone's mind.

What is a computer ( what is a computer) - Introduction to computer

The computer is an electronic device through which we give some signal to the computer, give some input, and in return, the computer gives us the output of that input. Whatever signal we give to the computer, whatever input we give, the computer gives us its output in a jiffy.

When the first computer was made, its task was only to calculate, to calculate. But it is said that technology never stops, it keeps on increasing. In the same way, changes started happening in the computer from time to time, experiments started happening and today you can see in which places the computer is used.

There is also a rule in technology that, if something is invented then further development is done on it, and research is done on it to make it better.

Computers have become so powerful today, yet research is still done on computers, and every effort is being made to make them better. And due to this effort, today we have been able to make a supercomputer. The computer gives us a few seconds by completing the work according to our instructions. The computer has an important role in the development of the country and the world. And through this revolution today the world has changed so much.

Now we have known what a computer is, so let us now also know what is the use of a computer, how a computer can be used.

use of computer

Everyone knows about the use of computers, but the use of computers is not as much as we think, we use computers to do some of our work but it is nothing.

We cannot even imagine that the computer can do so many tasks. In general, we use the computer to create a word file or for browsing the Internet and we do some other work through the computer.

To do big calculations, invent new technologies, to do research in space, we also use computers to get information about the atmosphere. Computers are used for technical work. There are countless functions of a computer like this.

Now we know who invented the computer, who invented the computer, and who is the father of the computer.

Who invented the computer and when

The computer was invented by Charles Babbage. And he is called the father of computers. If you are connected to the computer then you must have heard the name. Charles Babbage was a professor of mathematics.

when was the computer invented?

Now we know when was the computer invented. The computer was invented in the 19th century. The computer was invented in 1822. Charles Babbage created the first mechanical computer, and he was doing research on that computer. But due to some reason, he could not do research on them.

And then in 1910, research was done on that computer and an attempt was made to improve it after that effort, the computer was capable of doing some simple calculations. And then many times research was done on that computer and every effort was made to make it more capable and they also got success.

And what was this computer named for? What is the full form of a computer? Do you know about it? If not, today you will get to know about what is the full form of the computer.

computer full form - computer full form

Each character of the computer has its own meaning which is given below,

computer full form,

C - Common

O - oriented

M - machine

P - particularly

U - used under

T - technical and

E - educational

R - research

So you have seen what is the full form of computer and what is the meaning of each letter given in the word computer. If it is added then computer means, common oriented machine particularly used under technical and educational research.

Now we know when the computer was invented in India and by which institution this computer was invented.

When was the computer invented in India?

The computer was invented in India in 1966 by Swadeshi Gyan Kaushal. And that computer was named ISIJU. And it is said that the technology of henna never stops, in the same way, many computers were invented in India, and research was done about new technology, every effort was made to make it better and still make the computer better. Trying continues.

Who invented the computer, short answers to some important questions related to this article.

Who invented the computer?

Charles Babbage invented the computer.

When was the computer invented?

The computer was invented in 1822.

When and who made the first computer in India?

The computer was invented in 1966 with indigenous knowledge skills. And the university has a huge contribution to Javad in making this computer.

 How big was the world's first computer?

If said, the world's first computer was as big as a room. To keep it we needed a separate room and today you can see how small the size of the computer has become.


Friends, through this article, I have tried my best to tell you what is the computer, introduction of the computer, and who invented the computer and when the computer was invented, when the computer was invented in India, computer What is the full form, what is the full name of the computer, who is the father of the computer, I have given you information about all these in simple language.

Who invented the mobile and when

Who invented the mobile, and when was the mobile invented? Hello friends, in today's article we are going to tell you which scientist invented the phone and when. Today everyone has a mobile, there will hardly be any person who will not have a mobile.

Today mobile has become our need and they have many benefits too. The invention of the mobile has connected people sitting far away from each other. Before the invention of the mobile, did anyone think that we would be able to talk to our relatives, our friends sitting thousands of kilometers away from us? Then it seemed impossible. But the invention of the mobile made it possible and then it was nothing short of a miracle for the people.

Mobile has not only made people's lives easier but has also given you many such facilities so that today our life has become a little easier because of mobile.

If you want to find out the time, check the calendar, play the radio, that is, listen to a song, watch a movie, talk to each other, send messages to each other, do shopping, find direction, the world To keep information about all the news, to transfer money to each other, then in this way mobile can help you. Similarly mobile has innumerable uses.

Among the inventions made by humans, the invention of the mobile is a boon for us. Mobile phones have brought people closer to each other through communication. Through social media, people connect with each other and talk.

So in such a situation, the question arises in the mind who invented the mobile and when was the mobile invented, what is the name of the scientist who discovered the phone? This question must come to mind. If the same questions are coming into your mind, then today's post will answer all these questions of yours. So if you also want to know who invented the mobile phone, then you must read this post completely.

So let us first tell you which scientist discovered the mobile.

Who invented the mobile and when

Martin Cooper invented the mobile on 3 April 1973. Let us tell you that Martin Cooper was born on 26 December 1928 and lived in America. Was an Electrical Engineer by profession. He also did an ME degree in electrical engineering. He had also worked in many companies. Then later he joined Motorola company, where he used to work with his team on cellular network technology, and by working on this technology, he invented mobile.

When Martin Cooper was working in the Motorola company, he discovered the mobile. And with that mobile, you could only talk to the other person.

The facility which is given to us in the smartphones which are in today's era was not there at that time. At that time no one even expected that mobiles would become so smart in the future! But do you know who was the first to call Martin Cooper? Let us tell you that Martin Cooper made the first call to Dr, Joel S. Engel, who used to work as an engineer in Bell Laboratory.

How the world's first mobile was invented

In the 1890s, Guglielmo Marconi put wireless technology in front of the people. And mobile has also been invented by this principle. Mobile also works based on this technology.

Based on the principle of this technology, many scientists wondered whether such a device could not be made so that people could talk with each other without a cable. This means that with the help of wireless technology, they can communicate with each other. And one such thought came to Martin Cooper. So based on this principle, he started his work and invented the mobile marking coupon as an engineer in Motorola company.

interesting facts about mobile

We have told you who invented the mobile-first and when the mobile was invented. So let us now tell you about the interesting facts related to mobile. You should know some such things.

Do you know what was the name of the world's first mobile? Which was the first mobile.

What was the name of the world's first mobile?

The world's first mobile phone was named Motorola DynaTAC. Every mobile is given some name, in the same way, this phone was also named.

By which company was the first mobile made?

From the name of this mobile, you must have got an idea that which company made the world's first mobile. Yes. Motorola company was the first mobile phone launched.

It is known what was the name of the world's first phone. But do you know what was the size of the world's first phone and what is its capacity?

What was the size of the world's first phone?

You must know the size of the smartphones we see today, which can easily fit in our pockets and their weight is also very less. But what was the first phone, its size and its weight were much more than today.

You must have seen the int. The world's first phone was to win the size of the Int. And the length of that phone was about 22.9 centimeters which means 9 inches.

The world's first phone weighed more than 1 KG. But do you know how long it took to fully charge this mobile? At that time it used to take full 10 hours to charge this mobile. And after charging for 10 hours, you could talk with another person through the mobile for only 30 minutes and after charging once, the battery of this mobile was four for 6 hours. Then he had to charge again.

And today you can see how long it takes to charge the smartphone and how long it can last after charging once. Today, many scientists have contributed to the many features we are getting in the mobile.

Do you know how much was the world's first mobile phone?

What was the price of the world's first phone?

At that time, the cost of that phone was around $4000. If it was converted into Indian rupees, then its price was Rs 2.80 lakh.

You must be thinking that such an expensive mobile! Yes, the cost of that phone was so much because the cost of making that phone was also very high.

In today's time, you must know the price of a mobile. You can get the best mobile even for ₹ 5000.

Which was the world's first mobile phone also had many flaws and the production cost of that mobile was also very high. To overcome this production cost and flaws, many scientists worked on it. But till now it was not available for mobile people, meaning it was not launched in the market. Because after the invention of the mobile, work was done to remove its flaws of that mobile and it took 10 years. Then in 1983, the mobile was launched in the market.

Which company launched the world's first phone and what was the name of that mobile?

Let us tell you that the world's first phone was launched by Motorola (Motorola Company) and Motorola Company named that mobile as Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.

So far we have known who invented the mobile and when the phone was invented, which company launched the world's first phone, what was the size of that phone, how much the cost of that phone and how much the weight of that phone. was. But do you know when the first mobile came to India? In which year mobile was introduced in India? If not, then let us also inform you about this.

When did the first mobile come to India - in which year did the mobile start in India?

The first mobile in India came in 1995. Right now this question must have come to your mind when the first phone in the world was launched in 1983, how did it take so long for mobiles to arrive in India? Mobile was launched in 1983 only in America. The mobile was not launched in any other countries.

Above we told you who was the first to call Martin Cooper. But do you know who made the first phone call after the start of mobile services in India and who did it?

On 31 July 1995, Shri Sukhram Ji first called the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Jyoti Basu. Shri Jyoti Basu was the Chief Minister of West Bengal at that time and Shri Sukhram Ji was the Union Telecom Minister of India at that time. And both of them had first talked with each other through mobile in India.

By which company was the first touch screen mobile (smartphone) invented and when

Most of the people in the institutions use touch screen mobiles only. The world's first phone was not a touchscreen. The world's first touch screen mobile was manufactured by an American company, Bell Self and IBM.

The first touch screen mobile was launched in 1992 and the first touch screen mobile was named Simon. Touch screen mobile was manufactured by IBM and Bell Self in 1992, but it was made available to the public in 1994.

So the world's first smartphone was named Simon and it was launched by two company names named IBM and Bell Self.

We all use mobiles but do you know how many types of mobiles are available in the market? Means how many types of mobile are there? Let's know about it too.

Types of mobile

The mobile phone that we see in the market is of any one of the three types of mobiles mentioned below.

1. cell phone

This is a keypad mobile phone. In this, can you talk to people by dialing the number, send messages to each other. This is a simple phone and in this, you are not given any more features except calling and messaging. Because of smartphones, people do not use cell phones anymore. Very few people use it.

2. Feature phone

This phone is similar to a cell phone, but some more features are given to it than cell phones. On cell phones, you could only make calls or send messages, but on feature phones, you could take photos, make videos, and much more with them. These phones are slightly more expensive than cell phones.

3. Smartphone

The most used phone right now is a smartphone. Everyone uses smartphones only. Because you get a lot of facilities in it. You must know what you can do with a smartphone. These are very advanced phones. In which advanced facilities are given to you many times more than a cell phone and features. And the operating system used in these phones is different from cell phones and feature phones.

So these are the types of phones that are available in the market.


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