What is IP Address and Information
What is IP Address and Information
The computer that we use for many things, many things are done with the help of IP. With its help, all the details of a computer can be obtained. Information about special things related to IP address is being given here.
(What is IP Address)
The full name of IP address is 'Internet Protocol'. A unique number comes under this address. This IP address is associated with all the online processes that are done from your computer. IP address has two main functions. Read the Internet requirement here.
It acts as a network interface identification or host.
With its help, local addressing of the computer can be completed.
Internet protocol is a kind of 'set of rules', which controls and regulates the internet activity that takes place all over the world. It is operated globally by the 'Internet Assigned Numbers Authority' and 5 'Regional Internet Registries'.
IP Address Uses
IP address is an important part of modern computer technology, because almost everywhere computers are used for Internet access, for which IP is mandatory.
IP addresses help in locating a large number of different types of online devices that are connected to the Internet.
If someone wants a mailing address to send you some kind of letter, then a remote computer needs your IP.
IP Address Types
The IP address of a computer is of two types, which are described below,
Static IP: The static IP address of a computer never changes. It works like a permanent internet address and gives you an easy way to control your computer system. With the help of static IP, the information of the continent, country, region and city etc. can be obtained from where the computer is being operated.
Dynamic IP: Dynamic IP stays temporarily in a computer. This is actually done with the help of IP pool, which is set under different computers. Its casting is very low, and under it a large number of subscribers come for any online work.
Your computer's IP address
You can use the ipconfig (IPCONFIG) command line tool to get the IP address from your computer system. With its help, all the current TCP and IP network configuration values are displayed on your computer screen. Along with this, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings are also refreshed. Follow the instructions below to open a command prompt in a Windows computer.
start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
In this way, a command prompt will open on your computer and you can find your IP address by typing ipconfig on the given command line tool and entering it.
You can also find the IP address of your computer system online, for which you have to search by typing 'My IP address' in Google search. Your computer's IP address will appear in front of you.
IP Address Versions
There are mainly two types of IP address versions. The first one is IP version 4 and the second one is IP version 6. A brief creative description of both of them is given here.
Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4):
32 bit number.
4 octets
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6):
128 bit number.
16 octets
Example: 2001:0:9d38:90d7:2c0f:19de:4b28:afba
IP Address Format
The IP address is actually a number, but sometimes this number can be alphanumeric with some letters. For example two IP formats are given below,
IP Address Classes
This IP is divided into different classes. IP is divided into five different classes according to convenience and use, of which three are used the most. It includes class A, class B, class C, class D, class E IP addresses. Here it is being explained with an example.
Class A Address: The first octet of Class A IP ranges from 1 to 127. Class A address IP is used for large networks. Its default subnet mask is :
So the network host ID of a Class A IP address is : N.H.H.H
Class B Address: Under Class B, there are IPO addresses between 128 and 191. It is used for medium network. The 'default subnet' of this class is 255.255.x. is
The network host ID of a Class B IP address is : N.N.H.H
Class C address: Its IP range is 192-223, it is used for small range networks. The default subnet of this IP is : N.N.H
The IP address range of Class C is 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x, and the default subnet is 255.255.255.x. will happen
Class D address: Its range is 224 to 239, the range of this IP address is to Class D IP is reserved for multicasting. Multicasting data is not for any particular host. This type of IP has no subnet mask.
Class E Address: This type of IP address is used either for research and development or for study. The IP address range of this class is between and This IP address also has no subnet mask.
How Does the IP Work
Any such device which is connected to the Internet, then that device cannot work without IP. With its help, it can be known about the signal received by your system and where it is coming from. Similarly, the signals sent by your system are also detected by other computers that receive them. In fact, it works exactly the same way for a computer as a number plate does for a car. The IP address of a computer gives information about its owner. At the same time, IP also works to locate a machine with another machine.
Your computer's IP address
You can use the ipconfig (IPCONFIG) command line tool to get the IP address from your computer system. With its help, all the current TCP and IP network configuration values are displayed on your computer screen. Along with this, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings are also refreshed. Follow the instructions below to open a command prompt in a Windows computer.
start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
In this way, a command prompt will open on your computer and you can find your IP address by typing ipconfig on the given command line tool and entering it.
You can also find the IP address of your computer system online, for which you have to search by typing 'My IP address' in Google search. Your computer's IP address will appear in front of you.
IP Address Versions
There are mainly two types of IP address versions. The first one is IP version 4 and the second one is IP version 6. A brief creative description of both of them is given here.
Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4):
32 bit number.
4 octets
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6):
128 bit number.
16 octets
Example: 2001:0:9d38:90d7:2c0f:19de:4b28:afba
IP Address Format
The IP address is actually a number, but sometimes this number can be alphanumeric with some letters. For example two IP formats are given below,
IP Address Classes
This IP is divided into different classes. IP is divided into five different classes according to convenience and use, of which three are used the most. It includes class A, class B, class C, class D, class E IP addresses. Here it is being explained with an example.
Class A Address: The first octet of Class A IP ranges from 1 to 127. Class A address IP is used for large networks. Its default subnet mask is :
So the network host ID of a Class A IP address is : N.H.H.H
Class B Address: Under Class B, there are IPO addresses between 128 and 191. It is used for medium network. The 'default subnet' of this class is 255.255.x. is
The network host ID of a Class B IP address is : N.N.H.H
Class C address: Its IP range is 192-223, it is used for small range networks. The default subnet of this IP is : N.N.H
The IP address range of Class C is 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x, and the default subnet is 255.255.255.x. will happen
Class D address: Its range is 224 to 239, the range of this IP address is to Class D IP is reserved for multicasting. Multicasting data is not for any particular host. This type of IP has no subnet mask.
Class E Address: This type of IP address is used either for research and development or for study. The IP address range of this class is between and This IP address also has no subnet mask.
How Does the IP Work
Any such device which is connected to the Internet, then that device cannot work without IP. With its help, it can be known about the signal received by your system and where it is coming from. Similarly, the signals sent by your system are also detected by other computers that receive them. In fact, it works exactly the same way for a computer as a number plate does for a car. The IP address of a computer gives information about its owner. At the same time, IP also works to locate a machine with another machine.
How Google Use IP Address
Google uses IP to customize according to the user's location. Note that the user's location is associated with any IP address. The IP of all users who use Google is received by Google, and because of this, whenever we search for anything on the Google search engine, we get the search results according to our location. Here the details of the IP range used by Google.Com are being given. Read here how to earn money from Google.
Google's use of IP ranges for Google.com:
233.160.0 –
102.0.0 –
249.64.0 –
14.192.0 –
125.0.0 –
85.128.0 –
239.32.0 –
Google DNS IP Address: Google IP address is between and It is used under Google Public DNS. However, DNS is used by other companies besides Google.
Googlebot IP address: Apart from Google.com, Google also uses the IP for goolgebot webcrawl. This low range is being described here.
68.90.1 –
233.173.193 –
249.64.1 –
239.33.96 –
What is Public IP Address?
A public IP address is an IP address that is used when someone The device is connected to the ISP. For example, internet devices running in a house come under public IP. It separates all devices from other devices that are connected to any public network and benefits from a unique IP address on the Internet. For example, you can think of other addresses like your email address, your home address, etc. Which determines that only you will receive the message sent to your email or home address. Public IP also works in the same way, under which all digital requests sent are received only by your device and not by anyone else.
What is Private IP Address?
Private IP includes those IP addresses, which are used for LAN, MAN or WAN. For example, the IP address used in a bank.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has classified some specific IP addresses under private IP addresses. These IP addresses are as follows,
0.0.0 to
16.0.0 to
168.0.0 to
The IP address of the device under this IP address will be the private IP address. A total of 16 million addresses come under the first IP address range. After this, 1 million IP addresses come under the remote range and a total of 65,000 IP addresses come in the end range. It is used for some kind of special stupa. For example, if you are providing your internet to some users from your home router and you are setting the IP address and then etc., then it is called a private IP. will go It is important to note that the private IP cannot be directly connected to the public IP.
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