Here's how to create a professional account to earn money from Instagram
Here's how to create a professional account to earn money from Instagram
Nowadays, most people are using the social networks Facebook and Instagram. Instagram, which went public in 2010, is becoming very popular among the younger generation.
Millions around the world are using this platform. We are sharing our photos and videos on Instagram. Many users are online through Instagram.
But did you know that you can also make money from Instagram? Big celebrities are earning millions of rupees monthly from this. There are many types of services on Instagram.
A business account is one of them. Today we are going to tell you how to create a business account on Instagram and how to make money from it.
What is an Instagram business account?
Instagram is a completely free platform. You can create your own business account and place ads on it and earn money from it.
Besides, you can keep track of when your followers are online, according to their country and city.
You can even find out which of your posts are being viewed by users and how many impressions they have. It can even help you grow your business and become a source of income.
How to make
First, go to your Instagram. Log in to it. If you don't have an Instagram account, sign up.
Once the account is created, you will now need to change it to a business account. To do this, tap on your profile in the bottom right corner and go to Edit Profile.
Then towards the end, you have to press Continue by pressing Switch to Professional Account.
Now choose the category that matches your account. But the thing to keep in mind here is that your professional account will change to a public view. This means that anyone can see all the photos and videos you have posted on Instagram. The hassle of approving the follower will also end.
After doing so, your business account is ready. After creating a business account on Instagram, you can use it to drive traffic and promote brands and products. Doing so will benefit your business. So if you have a lot of followers, Instagram will even advertise.
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