90 companies including Huawei and Xiaomi are building their own semiconductor in China

90 companies including Huawei and Xiaomi are building their own semiconductor in China

Ninety companies including Chinese companies Huawei, High Silicon, and Xiaomi are planning to build their own semiconductor in China. According to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 90 companies have applied for the National Integrated Circuit Standardization Technology Committee.

The semiconductor industry is the most backward industry in China. Where small and technology lagging companies are now investing. Therefore, 90 companies including Huawei, Xiaomi, High Silicon, Datang Semiconductor, Unichip Micro Electronics, ZTE, China Unicom, China Mobile, and Tencent are ready to work together.

The purpose of forming this committee is to uplift the backward semiconductor industry and promote the integrated recognition of circuits. It is said that the plan has been put forward with the plan to reduce the dilemma of the American company in the same conductor.

The United States has banned Chinese company Huawei from manufacturing US-made semiconductors. As a result, the company's smartphone market is collapsing. It has been mentioned that a similar situation may arise in other Chinese companies tomorrow and all the companies may be connected.
