These are the weakest passwords of the year, you don't have any?
These are the weakest passwords of the year, you don't have any?
Password Manager NordPass has released a list of the 200 most used passwords in 2021. For this, WordPress analyzed the weak passwords of users from 50 different countries.
Of these, 123456 are number one in 43 countries. Compared to the year 2020, the use of this password has increased by 25 lakh 43 thousand 285 and in the year 2021, it has been used 103.17 million 552 times.
Such weak passwords are easy to guess and hack. Today we're going to tell you about 200 of the most commonly used passwords released by WordPress this year.
People with such passwords are always targeted by hackers. One second is enough for a hacker to crack most of the over 200 weak passwords.
Be careful if you use any of these passwords. So you need to focus on strengthening your online security with a different and stronger password.
S.No. Password cracking time Password usage number
1 123456 Less than 1 second 103,170,552
2 123456789 Less than 1 second 46,027,530
3 12345 Less than 1 second 32,955,431
4 qwerty less than 1 second 22,317,280
5 passwords less than 1 second 20,958,297
6 12345678 Less than 1 second 14,745,771
7 111111 Less than 1 second 13,354,149
8 123123 Less than 1 second 10,244,398
9 1234567890 Less than 1 second 9,646,621
10 1234567 Less than 1 second 9,396,813
11 qwerty123 Less than 1 second 8,933,334
8,377,094 in less than 12 0 1 seconds
13 1q2w3e less than 1 second 8,204,700
14 aa12345678 Less than 2 seconds 8,098,805
15 abc123 Less than 1 second 7,184,645
16 password1 Less than 1 second 5,771,586
17 1234 Less than 1 second 5,544,971
18 qwertyuiop Less than 1 second 5,197,596
19 123321 Less than 1 second 5,168,171
20 password123 Less than 1 second 4,681,010
21 1q2w3e4r5t Less than 1 second 4,624,323
22 iloveyou less than 1 second 4,387,925
23 654321 Less than 1 second 4,384,762
24 666666 Less than 1 second 4,329,996
25 987654321 Less than 1 second 4,239,959
26 123 Less than 1 second 3,606,937
27 123456a Less than 1 second 3,493,177
28 qwe123 Less than 1 second 3,284,938
29 1q2w3e4r Less than 1 second 3,197,899
30 7777777 Less than 1 second 3,112,046
31 1qaz2wsx Less than 1 second 3,066,557
32 123qwe less than 1 second 2,986,924
33 zxcvbnm less than 1 second 2,943,584
34 121212 Less than 1 second 2,894,633
35 asdasd less than 1 second 2,848,106
36 a123456 Less than 1 second 2,828,147
37 555555 Less than 1 second 2,723,335
38 dragon less than 1 second 2,684,735
39 112233 Less than 1 second 2,654,993
40 123123123 Less than 1 second 2,580,565
41 monkey less than 1 second 2,507,887
42 11111111 Less than 1 second 2,471,959
43 qazwsx less than 1 second 2,354,184
44 159753 Less than 1 second 2,114,829
45 asdfghjkl Less than 1 second 2,043,474
46 222222 Less than 1 second 2,020,304
47 1234qwer Less than 1 second 1,900,252
48 qwerty1 less than 1 second 1,878,452
49 123654 Less than 1 second 1,842,096
50 123abc Less than 1 second 1,829,973
51 asdfgh less than 1 second 1,750,012
52 777777 Less than 1 second 1,746,733
53 aaaaaa less than 1 second 1,713,813
54 myspace1 Less than 3 hours 1,619,027
55 88888888 Less than 1 second 1,593,738
56 fuckyou less than 1 second 1,562,037
57 123456789a Less than 1 second 1,531,193
58 999999 Less than 1 second 1,521,326
59 888888 Less than 1 second 1,498,311
60 football less than 1 second 1,468,381
61 princess less than 1 second 1,456,356
62 789456123 Less than 1 second 1,430,434
63 147258369 Less than 1 second 1,421,709
64 1111111 Less than 1 second 1,413,748
65 sunshine less than 1 second 1,402,897
66 michael less than 8 seconds 1,337,330
67 computers less than 1 second 1,328,046
68 qwer1234 Less than 1 second 1,322,032
69 daniel less than 5 seconds 1,289,528
70 789456 Less than 1 second 1,279,878
71 11111 Less than 1 second 1,278,208
72 abcd1234 Less than 1 second 1,276,859
73 q1w2e3r4 Less than 1 second 1,259,573
74 shadows less than 1 second 1,258,333
75 159357 Less than 1 second 1,253,767
76 123456q Less than 1 second 1,246,191
77 1111 1,243,637 less than 1 second
78 samsung less than 1 second 1,226,160
79 killer less than 1 second 1,216,754
80 asd123 Less than 1 second 1,203,927
81 superman less than 1 second 1,190,436
82 master less than 1 second 1,178,973
83 12345a Less than 1 second 1,175,912
84 azerty less than 1 second 1,175,329
85 zxcvbn Less than 1 second 1,163,035
86 qazwsxedc Less than 1 second 1,162,866
87 131313 Less than 1 second 1,155,266
88 ashley 1,153,740 in less than 2 minutes
89 target123 less than 1,153,724 seconds
90 987654 Less than 1 second 1,138,159
91 Baseball Less than 1 second 1,110,954
92 qwert less than 1 second 1,102,898
93 asdasd123 Less than 4 seconds 1,102,441
94 qwerty less than 1 second 1,096,678
95 soccer less than 1 second 1,075,807
96 charlie less than 1 second 1,056,149
97 qweasdzxc Less than 1 second 1,050,686
98 tinkle less than 2 minutes 1,045,484
99 jessica less than 7 seconds 1,042,625
100 q1w2e3r4t5 Less than 1 second 1,039,335
101 asdf 1 second At least 1,037,388
102 test1 Less than 1 second 1,026,650
103 1g2w3e4r Less than 3 hours 1,025,836
104 gwerty123 Less than 3 hours 1,017,297
105 zag12wsx Less than 1 hour 1,015,743
106 gwerty less than 5 seconds 1,012,867
107 147258 Less than 1 second 1,004,764
108 12341234 Less than 1 second 999,367
109 qweqwe less than 1 second 990,196
110 jordan less than 1 second 985,400
111 Pokemon 980,773 in less than 1 second
112 q1w2e3r4t5y6 Less than 1 second 977,517
113 12345678910 Less than 1 second 973,747
114 1111111111 Less than 1 second 971,288
115 12344321 Less than 1 second 969,735
116 thomas less than 8 seconds 967,116
117 love less than 1 second 956,372
118 12qwaszx less than 1 second 945,934
119 102030 Less than 1 second 943,475
120 welcome 935,843 in less than 1 second
121 liverpool less than 1 second 934,857
122 iloveyou1 Less than 1 second 925,958
123 michelle less than 3 hours 923,229
124 101010 Less than 1 second 920,371
125 1234561 Less than 1 second 911,304
126 hello less than 1 second 909,460
127 andrew less than 2 minutes 889,167
128 a123456789 Less than 1 second 873,086
129 a12345 Less than 1 second 868,694
130 Status less than 2 seconds 859,246
131 fuckyou1 less than 1 second 853,953
132 1qaz2wsx3edc Less than 1 second 853,042
133 hunter less than 1 second 847,191
134 princess1 Less than 1 second 842,516
135 naruto less than 1 second 841,541
136 justin Less than 2 minutes 841,449
137 jennifer less than 2 hours 831,366
138 qwerty12 less than 1 second 829,797
139 qweasd less than 1 second 822,554
140 anthony less than 17 minutes 818,914
141 andrea less than 2 minutes 815,824
142 joshua less than 2 minutes 813,194
143 asdf1234 Less than 1 second 809,461
144 12345qwert Less than 1 second 807,768
145 1qazxsw2 Less than 1 second 800,348
146 marina less than 1 second 795,950
147 love123 Less than 1 second 785,192
148 111222 Less than 1 second 781,491
149 robert less than 1 second 781,270
150 10203 Less than 1 second 780,148
151 nicole less than 2 minutes 779,914
772,948 less than 152 letmein 1 sec
153 football1 775,804 in less than 1 second
154 secret less than 1 second 764,028
155 1234554321 Less than 1 second 763,140
156 freedom Less than 1 second 761,731
157 michael1 less than 1 second 757,345
158 11223344 Less than 1 second 753,481
159 qqqqqq Less than 1 second 751,737
160 123654789 Less than 1 second 739,687
161 chocolate less than 3 seconds 723,536
162 12345q less than 1 second 713,360
163 internet less than 1 second 711,369
164 q1w2e3 Less than 1 second 708,307
165 google starwars in less than 1 second
166 starwars less than 1 second 701,474
167 mynoob less than 2 minutes 699,255
168 qwertyui less than 1 second 695,854
169 55555 Less than 1 second 693,960
170 qwertyu less than 1 second 691,679
171 lol123 Less than 1 second 691,525
172 lovely less than 1 second 683,731
173 monkey1 less than 1 second 683,663
174 nikita less than 1 second 682,625
175 pakistan less than 1 second 677,307
176 7758521 Less than 4 minutes 672,323
177 87654321 Less than 1 second 671,618
178 147852 Less than 1 second 670,937
179 jordan23 less than 1 second 667,218
180 212121 Less than 1 second 665,287
181 123789 Less than 1 second 663,559
182 147852369 Less than 1 second 661,824
183 123456789q Less than 1 second 656,145
184 qwe less than 1 second 649,603
185 forever less than 1 second 648,777
186 741852963 Less than 1 second 640,815
187 123qweasd less than 1 second 638,513
188 123456abc Less than 2 seconds 636,820
189 1q2w3e4r5t6y Less than 1 second 628,567
190 qazxsw Less than 1 second 627,975
191 456789 Less than 1 second 622,869
192 232323 Less than 1 second 616,669
193 999999999 Less than 1 second 605,131
194 qwerty12345 Less than 1 second 596,747
195 qwaszx less than 1 second 592,242
196 1234567891 Less than 1 second 591,221
197 456123 Less than 1 second 589,201
198 444444 Less than 1 second 586,266
199 qq123456 less than 2 seconds 558,240
200 xxx less than 1 second 290,395
The 'Offers' tab is coming to the Google Play Store
The Google Play Store will have a separate offer tab for users to purchase any of their favorite apps. The Plate Store now has three tabs for users, including games, apps, and movies.
The Play Store will now have an 'Offers' tab between apps and movies, in which users will see offers from different apps.
It is said to be different from the 'Offers and Notifications' tab now seen in the Play Store.
However, Google has not yet clarified the benefits that users will get after adding an offer tab to the Play Store.
This tab is expected to allow users to purchase various apps, including discount packages.
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