Facebook doesn't know how many users it has!

 Facebook doesn't know how many users it has!

How many Facebook users are there? We may think that even if others don't know, Facebook must know. However, according to the latest public Facebook internal documents, Facebook itself does not know how many users it has.

According to a report based on Facebook's internal documents released by the Wall Street Journal, Facebook itself is in a dilemma as to how many active users it will consider because users have more than one account.

The report, based on Facebook's internal presentation, found that new users were creating more than one account.

A study of Facebook's 5,000 new users found that 32 to 56 percent of them had already created an account.

According to another internal Facebook document, the number of monthly active users in the 20 to 30 age group in the United States was higher than the total number of users in this age group in the United States.

This means that one user is using Facebook from more than one account.

Facebook concludes that the data distributed to advertisers are unreliable because they do not know the exact details of their daily and monthly active users.

Facebook fined Rs 8 billion for hiding information about Giffy's purchase

The UK's regulatory body is set to fine Facebook around Rs 8.5 billion. It has been decided to pay a fine of 70 million US dollars or Rs 8.33 billion to Facebook for buying a company called Giffy and hiding information against the directives of the regulatory body.

In 2020, Facebook began the process of buying a company called Giffy for  400 million. However, it has been decided to pay a fine to Facebook for not following the instructions given by the regulatory body saying that buying a company called Giffy will affect the competition.

The UK's Competition and Marketing Authority has decided to pay a fine after investigating Facebook. According to NEA, the information requested from Facebook was not provided during the investigation.
