What is Chat GPT?
What is Chat GPT?
Will Google end now? Will we stop using Google? In this way many questions are coming in everyone's mind. Let us tell you today what this chat GPT is, and how it works.
Are people afraid to buy shares of tech companies because of ChatGPT? Let's find out whether ChatGPT is the Google of the future or if this tool will become bigger than Google one day.
What is Chat GPT?
Chat GPT i.e. Generative Pretrained Transformer (Generative Pretrained Transformer) is a kind of artificial intelligence software. Many types of tasks can be done easily with the help of this AI based chatbot.
This AI software not only gives you real-time search like Google, but also answers the questions you ask in very clear and precise words.
ChatGPT is just a chatbot, but its potential is much more than a chatbot and even a search engine. You can guess this from the fact that what you can't do in a few minutes on Google search, ChatGPT can do it in a few minutes or a few seconds.
This means that they have to transform themselves into meta-teachers. This will require proper training. The introduction of software like Chat GPT will also change the nature of the work of training and improving machines.
If you want, you can write a script for the news, but there will be many mistakes in it and the facts may also be wrong.
ChatGPT Full Form-
ChatGPT- Generative Pretrained Transformer
ChatGPT History
ChatGPT is an AI software developed by OpenAI, which was launched in 2015 by a person named Sam Altman along with Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla.
Earlier it was started as a social welfare and social service (Non Profit Organization), but now it has become a profit organization.
Musk launched this startup in 2015 along with other investors. Its purpose is to benefit humanity by advancing digital intelligence.
Accessing OpenAI platform's database for training. The CEO of Twitter blocked it and distanced himself from the company, and then he removed his name from it and is no longer a part of it.
Open AI not only created ChatGPT, but also has many free AI-based tools that users can access from Open AI's website.
How to use ChatGPT?
You can use Chat GPT in your mobile or laptop. For this you first need to go to chat.openai.com.
After this, a website will open in front of you, here you will see the option of Login and Signup. Now you have to click on Sign Up option.
After this you have to create your account in it, for which you will need email id and phone number. Using which you can create your account in it.
After this you have to setup your account. After this, you can ask any question to the chat bot, which will be answered by the chat GPT.
What is the difference between Chat GPT and Google?
Whatever answer happens in ChatGPT, it is stored as a data, so you get the latest updated information in Google.
The answers to your questions on Chat GPT are not found through the Internet, that is, Chat GPT does not search the Internet to answer your questions.
Chat GPT is such a rare example of artificial intelligence that you can imagine for yourself that artificial intelligence is going to play an important role in the world in the future.
You need internet to access Chat GPT, that's right. But this tool does not search the internet for the answer to your question, but you get the answer only from the data fed into it.
About 8.5 billion things are searched on Google every day. That means there are about 99,000 searches every second. An average person searches something on Google 3 or 4 times every day.
Secondly, ChatGPT also has a limitation in replying. Also it lacks options. At the same time, Google gives you many options in the same category.
Like articles, website links, news, photos and videos. In this case, it will have to travel a long way to become an alternative to Google.
Will ChatGPT Kill Google?
The answer is yes and no! Because Google is a search engine, which brings information to you from indexed websites and other sources on the Internet.
When you search on Google, it gives you many links on the Internet. ChatGPT is more advanced than this.
Here, when you do a search, only the specific information related to it comes up, no link. That is, he does not search on the Internet, but gives you that information from the data he has.
As if you ask Google to create a leave application for you. In this way, Google will give you the results of those websites where the leave application template will be found, in ChatGPT it will create many different leave applications for you based on your leave application.
The way Google and ChatGPT work is completely different. This tool of Google can give a competitive answer in terms of questions, but in overall search, Google has no competition.
Although Google can understand your search pattern, ChatGPT also has a solid memory. That is, slowly ChatGPT will begin to understand you.
Based on your questions-answers, behavior and interest, ChatGPT will get stronger day by day and you will get even better answers.
What is Chat GPT's website?
Chat GPT's website is chat.openai.com.
Who made ChatGPT?
In 2015, Sam Altman, together with the owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, created the independent research body OpenAI, part of which is Chat GPT.
When was Chat GPT launched?
Chat GPT was launched on 30 November 2022.
What is the full form of ChatGPT?
ChatGPT- Generative Pretrained Transformer
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