
plowing with GPS controlled tractors

Artificial Intelligence: In the coming time, drones will monitor the health of crops, plowing with GPS controlled tractors In the coming times, the health of crops can be monitored through smart drones and plowing of fields with GPS controlled automatic tractors. Also, when and how much pesticides, fertilizers are to be used in the fields and things like how to improve the soil, farmers can be easily available at the right time. All this will be possible with the use of artificial intelligence and other related technologies. In the coming times, the health of crops can be monitored through smart drones and plowing of fields with GPS controlled automatic tractors. Also, when and how much pesticides, fertilizers are to be used in the fields and things like how to improve the soil, farmers can be easily available at the right time. All this will be possible with the use of artificial intelligence and other related technologies. NITI Aayog in its discussion paper on 'National Strategy

Facebook AI

With the help of Facebook AI, the characters of the game will become your friends Facebook is working to bring such technology in the coming time, with the help of which your friends and people of the real world will become the characters of a game. Facebook is working to bring such technology in the coming time, with the help of which your friends and people of the real world will become the characters of a game. The company is about to bring a synthetic intelligence gadget, whose machinery is being called Pose2Pose. This Facebook machinery will actually be a framework that creates a digital person with the help of novel photo sequences. VentureBeat said this digital character can be controlled with the help of joysticks or keyboards. To prepare the system, the researchers took videos of real tennis players, some swimming while others took a walk and mapped them. Keeping the videos as a reference, researchers could create a dynamic element with the help of gadgets. The special thing i

AI Future appearance

Future appearance Due to technology, there is the rapid restructuring of jobs within industries, new fields are opening up for which new skills are needed. Are You Ready for This? Many low-skill jobs are ending due to technology. But many new opportunities are also being created in the form of new era roles. Many types of research suggest that 65 percent of the jobs that children studying in schools will go to exist in the future. Due to technological changes, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics due to taking virtual forms of things, every person will also have to change their skills according to the changing needs of the industry. Travel and tourism, IT, energy, logistics, retail, financial and educational services, manufacturing, and engineering are the areas in which the positive trend of getting jobs will continue. A look at some emerging jobs in 2019-20: Data analyst Companies are using large amounts of data, now the decision-making process has also become larg

What these 7 tech celebrities say about the future of robots

Alibaba founder Jack Ma made a big prediction about the Internet Jack Ma, the founder of Chinese giant Alibaba, has warned the whole world with the power of the Internet that in the coming 30 years, the Internet is going to wreak havoc. The world should be ready for this. Jack Ma said at an entrepreneurship conference held in Zhangzhou, "We have to be more prepared to bear the grief than we are happy in the world of internet because in three decades the internet is going to wreak havoc in the world economy." ' He cited decreasing jobs due to robots for this. He further said that we have to learn to work with robots, only then we can reduce the loss in the Internet-based economy in the coming time. He said that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will replace the CEO of large companies. It is also possible that a robot has a photo as the Best CEO on the cover of Time magazine. Ma said that they are very serious about it. What these 7 tech celebrities say about the future of robot

Like humans, machines also need sleep for rest

Like humans, machines also need sleep for rest Everyone needs comfort whether it is technology or any living being. Adequate sleep and rest are needed if good work is to be done. Similarly, the artificial brain also needs sleep for rest. This has been revealed in the study of Los Alamos National University. Researcher scientist Dr. Ezing Watkins explains that the artificial brain also has neural networks that work at par with the brain and remember things. They state that network simulation becomes unstable due to continuous work and high work pressure. This directly affects the machine and its performance. University Computer Scientist Dr. Garrett Kenyon says that now the next preparation is to make it clear that if the artificial brain needs rest, is it the same in Android technology that will be used more in the future. Japanese scientists made a brain-reading machine Scientists in Japan have created a machine for Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can read your mind and make a pic

Artificial intelligence can give accurate information about heart attack than a doctor

Artificial intelligence can give accurate information about heart attack than a doctor Artificial Intelligence (AI) has now become more intelligent than humans. Artificial intelligence has started working from cooking to teaching and reading news. At the same time, a new study has emerged in which it is claimed that AI can predict a heart attack. This report has been published in the journal Cardiovascular Research. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the US have used AI-based machine learning to assess heart attack risk. He then compared the predictions with the subjects' actual experiences over fifteen years. In order to prepare this report, questions identifying the risk factors for the heart such as eating, exercise, and marital status were conducted. The final report included 1,912 subjects, which were studied after fifteen years. The study found out that machine learning made more accurate predictions about heart attacks. A researcher involved in this study stated,

Pentagon will adopt ethical principles for the use of artificial intelligence

Pentagon will adopt ethical principles for the use of artificial intelligence The Pentagon on Monday announced the adoption of 'ethical principles' for the use of artificial intelligence for the armed forces. Its purpose is to convince American tech veterans to cooperate with the military. US Defense Minister Mark Asper said in a statement that AI technology will change a lot in the future battlefield, but there will be no change in America's commitment to responsibility and equitable behavior. The Pentagon, which has regularly criticized the use of facial recognition technology by police in China, has promised to establish clear, well-defined uses for AI technology, according to the statement. The Pentagon statement said that such a technology that provides the skills needed to perform its assigned tasks will be reliable and will also have a transparent system. Finland launches free online course to teach artificial intelligence Finland has started a free crash course on A