What is Edge Computing? Understand this easily.
What is Edge Computing? Understand this easily.
You've probably heard of cloud computing. And the concept of cloud computing is precisely the processing, management, and storage of data using the Internet.
But today we are telling you about the new technology Edge Computing. It has special significance in next-generation connectivity.
You can also call edge computing an extension or an additional type of cloud computing. Most of the operations are performed on the cloud server.
But edge computing plays a central role in reducing the load on the cloud server. The main purpose of Edge Computing is to do all the work on the cloud server instead of doing all the work on the local device.
In Edge Clouding you need an additional resource i.e. an Edge device. Cloud computing has two elements. One device and another cloud server.
But in edge computing, there is an intermediate node between these two elements, which is called the edge device. Let's take an example to better understand edge computing.
Like you are in a place where there is a CCTV camera. He will have to record the surrounding physical activity on a CCTV camera.
If you traditionally do this, first you record the location 24 hours a day and then the recorded video goes to the cloud server. And from there the video is processed and the required part is stored in the cloud database.
This traditional method loads data into the Internet and cloud servers. Bandwidth also consumes a lot. If you are looking for a smart solution, you can put a motion detector sensor in the camera.
Which automatically detects and records only physical activity and stores it in the cloud database. This way your cloud resources are also used less. The motion sensor in this process is working as an edge device.
Which is installed near the source of data i.e. the camera. Today, whether in the office or at home, IoT (Internet of Things) devices are widely used.
According to statistics, the number of IoT devices will exceed 75 billion by 2025. You can't rely on traditional computing to operate so many IoT devices. So you will need emerging technologies like edge computing.
The question that may arise in your mind is when an IoT device itself uses artificial intelligence, then why does it need another device?
In fact, the most essential element in an IoT device is connectivity. The IoT device needs to be connected to the server.
If your IoT device lacks Internet access or has a problem, it may have a communication problem. In this case, the role of the edge device is important.
It is close to your IoT device i.e. source of data and it also helps to respond. Talking about its benefits, it reduces the use of cloud resources and provides a very fast and real-time response.
Because you don't have to stay connected to the cloud server for processing. It also has no communication gap.
Bandwidth and latency also decrease. But you have to pay for edge computing. Additional devices are required to use it.
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