
Gold unseen by Nepalis: Bitcoin

Gold unseen by Nepalis: Bitcoin Bitcoin may sound like a coin of a country. But no, Bitcoin is an Internet-based cryptocurrency invented in 2009. Bitcoin is an electronic currency made up of complex mathematical problems, in which no central bank or institution has control. However, it can also be called a decentralized electronic property.

Delete your Facebook account like this forever

Delete your Facebook account like this forever If you've been watching the latest news, you've probably heard the news on Facebook. Facebook itself is aware of the issue of teenagers being injured due to its services like Instagram. Facebook's internal research report also mentions the company's weaknesses in the fight against false information. On Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg even commented on it in a post.

6 settings you need to know to use Facebook safely

6 settings you need to know to use Facebook safely Normally we use Facebook, but we are not in the habit of checking the settings from time to time. To run Facebook safely, you need to take care of its privacy settings and other essentials. Facebook contains innumerable personal details of users. But if care is not taken, cybercriminals can steal and misuse such details.

Don't want to see old unpleasant incidents on Facebook? Do it

Don't want to see old unpleasant incidents on Facebook? Do it Have you noticed that your old photos come in memory on Facebook every day? Some even look at old memories for themselves. But some may think that it would not have been a feature called memory. Not only on Facebook but also in Google Photos, our old photos are coming into the memory every day, which includes our memorable moments.

What is Ethical Hacking? How is it different from other hacking?

What is Ethical Hacking? How is it different from other hacking? As the scope of technology and the digital sector grows, so does the attack on this sector. Formerly limited to the Local Area Network (LAN), the area has now expanded to mobile devices, wireless networks, and the Internet of Things. Institutions are also adopting various measures to solve various problems related to technology. However, the increasing scope of technology has also increased the range of attacks.