WhatsApp has brought the 'Always Mute' feature, here's how to use it.

WhatsApp has brought the 'Always Mute' feature, here's how to use it.

WhatsApp has launched a long-awaited feature. The 'Always Mute' option has been added to Facebook's messaging app WhatsApp. Also, if you want, you can now mute someone's WhatsApp chat forever.

Earlier, the option to mute chat was given eight hours, one week and one year. Now you will be able to mute forever instead of the one year option.

The feature is available for both Android and iPhone users and will be available in a web version soon, the company said.

If you want to use this feature, you need to have the latest version of WhatsApp on your phone first. For that you can update through the App Store for Apple and Google Play Store for Android.

How to mute forever?

To do this, first open your WhatsApp and hold down the chat you want to mute forever.

Doing so will bring up some icons. Click on the mute icon of the sound. Now there you will see three options.

There are 8 hours, 1 week and Always options. In the meantime, choose the Always option. Doing so will mute the chat forever. 
