Fixed wireless or cable internet, which is right for you?

Fixed wireless or cable internet, which is right for you?

As far as the village is concerned, a lot has changed a decade ago and now. There was no internet in many places. There were several cybercafes. Such cyber cafes had left a different impression on the youth. But for most people, the Internet was a dream come true.

But within a decade, the Internet has become commonplace. Older parents have started calling, chatting, and watching videos on YouTube. Children are studying in online classrooms. Let's not talk about youth. Therefore, the need for the internet has become mandatory for the villagers as well.

But what kind of internet service would be right for you or what option do you have? It is also important to know about these.

We now have three options for Internet technology. One is fixed wireless, the other is cable and the third is optical fiber technology. As optical fiber technology is the latest technology, it is not available in all regions. This technology that provides internet speed at the speed of light is considered to be the best internet technology ever.

But your service provider has two alternative technologies of cable and fixed wireless internet available everywhere. First of all, we will tell you about the differences and advantages of these two technologies.

This is how cable internet works

Cable Internet service providers connect their customers to the web via cable wires. In this technology, the coaxial cable acts as a bridge between the client's modem and the service provider's bandwidth.

This is a very popular technology on broadband internet. Its upload and download speed is outstanding, and so is its reliability. But cable wires must be pulled to your home on the cable internet.

Laying cable wires is a cumbersome and expensive process in itself. On top of that, some rural areas do not even have cable lines. The company does not provide cable lines in areas with low population density.

This is how fixed wireless internet works

In fixed wireless internet technology, service providers provide fiber optics backed internet connection to their clients through radio web. These Internet signals reach the user's home tower from the main access point or transmitter.

The antenna in your house picks up the signal and connects to the device via a modem.

The infrastructure of this technology is not as complex as that of cable. Its resources also cost less. If you are in a sector where cable companies do not invest well, this technology is good for you. This is a good option in areas with low population density where broadband internet is not an option.

Which is faster?

When choosing an Internet technology or service provider, the main thing you should pay attention to is Internet speed. When it comes to speed, there is not much difference in the internet speed provided by these two technologies.

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), both technologies provide speeds of 25 Mbps for downloads and 3 Mbps for uploads. This speed cannot be provided by a DSL internet service provider connecting your home and business over the phone line.

Depending on your service provider and package, service providers can provide speeds ranging from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps in both technologies.

Is it as reliable as a fixed wireless cable?

Of course, fixed wireless internet also offers the same stable and reliable internet connection as cable.

The cable is considered a reliable medium of internet. In the absence of cable disconnection, there is very little interference during internet flow.

Similarly, fixed wireless internet also provides a stable and reliable internet connection even in bad weather conditions. Unlike a satellite, its connection is local, so the weather doesn't make a difference. But the satellite is affected by storms and adverse weather conditions. But in fixed wireless, these things do not affect.

The height of the wireless towers is the same as that of a cell phone, which is lower than the clouds, so they are not blocked. Rain, high humidity, and thick fog are not a problem.

Don't be afraid if you hear that 'Rain Fed' affects fixed wireless. Rain Fed actually affects high frequencies, while fixed wireless uses low frequencies. On top of this, low-frequency coverage is also high.


Cable infrastructure takes a lot of time and money. Therefore, it does not have much access to rural areas. In this case, the technology to serve the village is only DSL and satellite, but they are very slow. Which are below the FCC's broadband internet standard.

Fixed wireless is also a good option to solve this problem. It doesn't cost much to install and works well in low-density areas.

But its connection is very local. Customers must be within 10 miles of the main access point to use the Internet. Also, the connection or height of the tower and the antenna of the house should be straight.

Therefore, fixed wireless is a very good option in places where the cable is not available.

Which is more expensive?

In terms of price, the wireless cable is more expensive at the beginning than cable in the long run. Wireless is straightforward and does not bundle, but the cable contains data caps and bundling packages.

Which company's service is better?

In terms of service, the internet service provider's staff and institutional structure also make a difference. Cable companies are criticized for their poor service and support. These companies have customers all over the country. Therefore, time and patience may be required to resolve the issue or to obtain regional assistance.

But when it comes to fixed wireless service delivery, you have to deal with small and local groups. Serving a small number of people in a small area, they are very focused and responsive.

Is fixed wireless better than cable?

Both technologies are fast and reliable. The cable is suitable for urban areas and densely populated areas, while rural areas with sparse settlements have little access to it. This is how wireless works.

Fixed wireless connections to many places without broadband internet access. Their service charges are also reasonable. So it is a good option in places where the cable is not available.
