What will life be like after the arrival of 5G?
What will life be like after the arrival of 5G?
For iPhone connoisseurs, Apple just unveiled the new Koseli a few days ago. The company had delayed the launch of the iPhone 12 series due to the coronavirus through an online event.
This is Apple's first FiveG smartphone. After Apple made the FiveG iPhone public, the discussion of FiveG has started once again.
Although it has been a topic that has been heard for some years, many people are still curious about what FiveG is. To quell that kind of curiosity, today we are putting out some material for you.
After all, what is FiveG?
FiveG is a world of fast internet, where everything is possible in an instant. In the world of FiveG, devices will communicate with each other and an advanced network will be created.
According to experts, not only will speed be faster in FiveG, it will take the technology world experience to the next level. If you are currently using mobile data to access the internet on a smartphone, it may be showing 4G, LTE, or 3G.
G written in it means generation. Like the human generation, it is a network generation. Wan Ji first came in 1980.
It only had the facility to make calls. The device also used to be very slow and heavy. Then in 1990 came Tuji. It also started to have the facility of messaging along with the call.
It also had GPRS, but the internet speed was very slow. GPRS was used to transfer emails and small files in particular.
With the advent of 3G in 2003, a revolutionary change took place in the world of networks. 3G changed the experience of using the Internet. Internet connectivity on the phone became very fast.
It was even possible to download and watch a movie on the phone. Then in 2009, the development of the network went one step further. That included Forge.
The Forge network had a speed of 100 Mbps. From which HD quality video call became possible. So now is the time for video conferencing apps. It has become possible to play high definition games online.
Forge replaced the smartphone with a small computer. Now let's talk about the next generation of Forge, i.e. FiveG.
At this point, you may be wondering, how fast is FiveG? In fact, it will be a hundred times faster than Forge.
Let's look at it as an example! It used to take 26 hours to download one or two hours of HD movie on the 3G network.
Forge reduced this time to five to seven minutes. Now with the advent of FiveG, this time will be reduced to 3.5 seconds or less.
What can FiveG change except speed?
With the advent of FiveG, all the surrounding systems will change with speed. The latency, that is, the response system of any device will be very fast.
The latency of 50 to 100 milliseconds in Forge will be limited to one millisecond in FiveG. This means that any command you give through the Internet will be executed immediately, that is, in real-time.
In FiveG, the machines will talk to each other. Many tasks will be possible automatically depending on the command given.
For example, you walked from Kathmandu to Delhi. But the fridge is on at home. This way you can turn it off at any time from Delhi.
A specialist doctor in a hospital in Singapore can perform surgery on a patient in Kathmandu. For this, a robotic arm will be used.
The doctor will look at the screen of the device in front of him and perform the operation from a distance. In essence, even if you are hundreds of kilometers away, giving commands via the Internet will work immediately.
With the help of VR technology, you can see what is in your imagination live.
How does FiveG work?
The reason why FiveG works so fast is because of the role of the millimeter web. It is a kind of radio wave.
Our smartphones and other smart devices are connected to each other through these millimeter webs. If there are too many smartphones in a place, this frequency will be shared and the network will start slowing down.
At present this millimeter web works at 6 GHz. But with the advent of FiveG, it will increase to 30 to 300 GHz.
As for the Forge network, one million devices can be connected in 500 square kilometers. FiveG has the capacity to connect 1 million devices in just one square kilometer.
So is FiveG fully complete?
There is a saying, nothing is perfect. Despite having many capabilities and features, FiveG has some weaknesses.
The thing to know here is that the millimeter web cannot go very far. Also, if there is an interruption in the middle, the connection may be broken.
Besides, the millimeter web is affected by bad weather and rain. We need a lot of infrastructure for FiveG connectivity.
To provide connectivity everywhere, even in small areas, many transmitters of FiveG have to be connected.
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