Biofuel Supply Chain

 Biofuel Supply Chain

Why in the discussion?

Computational methods based on 'Artificial Intelligence' are being developed by researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology- IIT Hyderabad, which addresses various issues related to the induction of biofuels in the country. And can be helpful in understanding problems.

key points:

A feature of this research work is that in its framework, the sale of organic fuels is not only considered as the basis of revenue generation but also the 'carbon credit' obtained through the reduction of 'greenhouse gas' emissions in this cycle. (Carbon Credit) has also been included in revenue generation.

The model developed by the researchers showed that the costs associated with incorporating the bio-ethanol sector in mainstream fuels are as follows-

The highest spending on production is estimated at 43%.

25% of spending on imports has been estimated.

17% of spending on transportation has been assessed.

15% of spending on infrastructural resources has been estimated.

Inventory spending is estimated at 0.43%.

During this research work, researchers have also analyzed various technologies used for biological energy production in different regions of the country, in which researchers have studied the feasibility of biofuels using data of suppliers, transportation, storage, and production.

In this research, artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques are being used to understand the supply chain network of biofuels.

This research work has been published in the journal Cleaner Production.

Importance of research:

A nationwide multilevel biofuel supply chain network based on artificial intelligence technology will be helpful to overcome the existing uncertainty in techno-economic-environmental analysis, demand forecasting, supply chain parameters.

Biofuels can prove to be useful in making an impact and far-reaching decisions on supply chain network operations.

Organic fuels generated from non-food sources are an important source of carbon-neutral renewable energy. These include agricultural waste such as straw, grass, and other products like wood.

This research work becomes important in the field of biofuels as a solution to the concerns related to dwindling fossil fuel reserves and pollution caused by its use.
